videos / publicfreakoutsreborn

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4382405 Webcammer captures assault on camera

Webcammer captures assault on camera

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #13546714 Absolutely insane that people live like this

Absolutely insane that people live like this

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #13259470 Feral


PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #13043853 man dies after being sucker punched and robbed in NYC.

man dies after being sucker punched and robbed in NYC.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #13758635 Texas: Human Smuggler arrested. Illegal immigrant makes a run

Texas: Human Smuggler arrested. Illegal immigrant makes a run

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #9382185 DENMARK: Iraqi teenagers kick and beat up an elderly Danish woman

DENMARK: Iraqi teenagers kick and beat up an elderly Danish woman

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #12511661 Hostage situation in the Philippines. SWAT team sent in their

Hostage situation in the Philippines. SWAT team sent in their

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4989836 Two teenage girls carjack an uber driver who hangs on for dear

Two teenage girls carjack an uber driver who hangs on for dear

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4534731 Migrants get beaten for touching kids in Bosnia by angry families

Migrants get beaten for touching kids in Bosnia by angry families

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4493838 Sheriff unloads his gun into the chest of a deranged man attacking

Sheriff unloads his gun into the chest of a deranged man attacking

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #6897615 Fast food restaurant refuses to serve BIPOC customer who doesn't

Fast food restaurant refuses to serve BIPOC customer who doesn't

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #6725821 Black male attacks two white employees of Staff Zone staffing

Black male attacks two white employees of Staff Zone staffing

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #9961644 New York City drivers unfazed by makeshift speed bump.

New York City drivers unfazed by makeshift speed bump.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #13507459 Stabbing on subway.

Stabbing on subway.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #6720745 Two elderly white men randomly stabbed on subway by black male

Two elderly white men randomly stabbed on subway by black male

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #5365291 fallen grandma holds up the elevator and all hell breaks loose

fallen grandma holds up the elevator and all hell breaks loose

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #13621765 A group of thugs jumping this dude at my high school last year.

A group of thugs jumping this dude at my high school last year.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #6932825 Shoe store employee shot and killed after intervening in sneaker

Shoe store employee shot and killed after intervening in sneaker

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4870395 Woman armed with a pickaxe gets shot by police

Woman armed with a pickaxe gets shot by police

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #5488699 I hope social workers get body cams too when they start sending

I hope social workers get body cams too when they start sending

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #9441932 He fucked around and found out.

He fucked around and found out.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #10930270 Miami Beach emergency shut down of city due to violent spring

Miami Beach emergency shut down of city due to violent spring

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4648485 Woman gets brutally assaulted by what looks like a stranger

Woman gets brutally assaulted by what looks like a stranger

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #9529842 Man gets murdered outside of Whataburger in Texas. He didn't

Man gets murdered outside of Whataburger in Texas. He didn't

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #12972867 Toilets are so offensive these days.

Toilets are so offensive these days.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #8999106 Robbers volunteering for Brazilian police target practice.

Robbers volunteering for Brazilian police target practice.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #10852808 Balcony Flip Challenge goes awry.

Balcony Flip Challenge goes awry.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #12569130 Crazy lady dances and strips on New York City subway (NSFE -

Crazy lady dances and strips on New York City subway (NSFE -

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #7207829 Russian man falls (jumps?) from 9 stories right in front of family

Russian man falls (jumps?) from 9 stories right in front of family

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #11583739 Women go crazy over animal carcass

Women go crazy over animal carcass

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #10231027 There's a direct inverse correlation between not putting your

There's a direct inverse correlation between not putting your

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #10602071 Throwback to a cop shooting in Tennessee. She very clearly states

Throwback to a cop shooting in Tennessee. She very clearly states

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4648516 Lady Gaga’s dog walker gets attacked and shot while walking

Lady Gaga’s dog walker gets attacked and shot while walking

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #10477306 Bullies repeatedly punch and kick 13 year-old kid.

Bullies repeatedly punch and kick 13 year-old kid.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #10605334 words! words!

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #10927376 Naked man entered a department store in San Francisco to sexually

Naked man entered a department store in San Francisco to sexually

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4467979 Cameraman: "Shoot him" and "That's what I like to see".

Cameraman: "Shoot him" and "That's what I like to see".

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4389936 The Spider's Thread

The Spider's Thread

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4447676 Crazy Naked Man invades House

Crazy Naked Man invades House

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #10651436 Public defecation for internet clout.

Public defecation for internet clout.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #11583717 Naked man makes multiple carjacking attempts

Naked man makes multiple carjacking attempts

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4468158 Stealing is bad mmkay.

Stealing is bad mmkay.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #10651462 Another. Why do so many feel entitled to destroy property that

Another. Why do so many feel entitled to destroy property that

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #10905898 Terminator arrives from the future looking to secure clothing.

Terminator arrives from the future looking to secure clothing.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4297126 Guy stabs several security guards

Guy stabs several security guards

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4521148 Inherently privileged business owners culturally enriched by

Inherently privileged business owners culturally enriched by

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4626974 Deputy rescues a 13 year old girl who went missing who was lured

Deputy rescues a 13 year old girl who went missing who was lured

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #10624569 Woman shot dead after stabbing cops serving eviction notice.

Woman shot dead after stabbing cops serving eviction notice.