videos / publicfreakoutsreborn

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4137684 Man blows hand off with firework [NSFW] [NSFL]

Man blows hand off with firework [NSFW] [NSFL]

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4342488 Karen is refused service for not wearing a mask, and then...

Karen is refused service for not wearing a mask, and then...

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4480881 Quick get a social worker.

Quick get a social worker.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #5387222 Man charges officer with knife and gets shot.

Man charges officer with knife and gets shot.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4037681 knife beats gun

knife beats gun

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4409297 Stay away from whatever it is this guy is on

Stay away from whatever it is this guy is on

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #3253650 Feminist protesters in Paris. Hopefully they can start a trend.

Feminist protesters in Paris. Hopefully they can start a trend.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4356527 Man lights himself on fire and goes for a jog.

Man lights himself on fire and goes for a jog.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4399616 Man beats up and runs over his step dad.

Man beats up and runs over his step dad.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #5663656 Police officer shoots man trying to attack him with machete

Police officer shoots man trying to attack him with machete

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4797350 Disgusting pedophile assaults young girl. Two women immediately

Disgusting pedophile assaults young girl. Two women immediately

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #3248306 Rioters in Hong Kong attacks elderly man

Rioters in Hong Kong attacks elderly man

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4254627 Killeen police released raw bodycam footage of the incident with

Killeen police released raw bodycam footage of the incident with

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4320325 Man armed with a machete takes multiple gunshots and slashes

Man armed with a machete takes multiple gunshots and slashes

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #5663719 Tell me what you want, what you really really want.

Tell me what you want, what you really really want.

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4723841 Bunch of people fall to their death because of the massive crowd

Bunch of people fall to their death because of the massive crowd

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4840513 Five officers charged with manslaughter in shooting of 15 year

Five officers charged with manslaughter in shooting of 15 year

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4162980 Blax payne takes the fight to the cops

Blax payne takes the fight to the cops

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4715004 Man is in a state of shock after losing his leg in a cement mixer

Man is in a state of shock after losing his leg in a cement mixer

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4162982 Jesus christ, that's jason bourne!

Jesus christ, that's jason bourne!

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #5846057 “You mad over some hennessy”

“You mad over some hennessy”

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4064728 San Antonio, TX - Teen lights up a firework and has hand blown

San Antonio, TX - Teen lights up a firework and has hand blown

PublicFreakoutsReborn vid #4162981 Jamal bond in the opening scene of golden tooth

Jamal bond in the opening scene of golden tooth