"Sorry, I can't make it this session, play without me"
"I don't care if you can warp spacetime, I want to hit people
Oh no! Our paladin has been captured! Whatever shall become of
I love stealth missions
A boss fight with a unexpected outcome. (Solus Astorias)
What good are your silly little spells now
They're called "Monster" Races after all.
Time to dust off the grappling rules.
Human Fighter Moment 😔
Every single time
Guys you’re level 15 just let them go please
Party stacking buffs on the Human Fighter be like
Based on a true story
Four attacks with massive damage bonuses?!
I swear the subclass was made for it
Sorry peeps, but this new BG3 meme just dropped. This is a shapeshifted
Where are my fellow human fighters at?
Time for a nsfw meme involving violence
it is not about the damage, it's about the disrespect.
My players are monsters
I swear sometimes I need an actual lawyer with the rules.
Cleric Guide: How to keep your stupid party alive!
He died as he lived, trying to seduce something horribly dangerous
I reveal nothing(until it is too late)😑
Hey I’ve been turned into cow. Can I go home?
Guess all that game knowledge comes in handy huh
Casters and Martials
Let be honest, we all has unpainted mini
More short rests!
Doric putting the Hit in Hit Points.
Mimic dice? Lucky dice? Magic dice!
So long, goodbye
Sometimes a Cleric is just not an option.
The screen is there for your protection
It's just SOOO enticing...
Average discussion at our table
DMs when spells specifically designed to solve problems solves
Limited Magical Immunity was a trait I did not realize and also
Sorcerer’s are the Barbarians of Casters. You wouldn’t like
He can no longer angry
goblin layer.
When the DM wants to run a horror one-shot but someone makes
At the end of the day, a martial needs a caster
I'm just saying hitting someone with a shield should absolutely
Witness me put my weird ass character in your edgy world.
Monks man, when they getcha they getcha
Party: I hope the BBEG with homebrewed spells isn't too powerfull.