videos / dndmemes

dndmemes vid #24849700 You don't have the CR to face me.

You don't have the CR to face me.

dndmemes vid #14158754 Alucard’s long walks have derailed hundreds of games.

Alucard’s long walks have derailed hundreds of games.

dndmemes vid #24397129 Prehistoric Planet s2 just premiered and introduced the best

Prehistoric Planet s2 just premiered and introduced the best

dndmemes vid #24613218 Always be ready to improvise

Always be ready to improvise

dndmemes vid #24369827 Permanent problems require PERMANENT solutions

Permanent problems require PERMANENT solutions

dndmemes vid #23176252 No plans will survive first contact with players

No plans will survive first contact with players

dndmemes vid #7579977 I can’t believe they thought we were going to help them…That’s

I can’t believe they thought we were going to help them…That’s

dndmemes vid #37571439 Witches and tentacles (Baalbuddy) (solus astorias)

Witches and tentacles (Baalbuddy) (solus astorias)

dndmemes vid #25148812 Fixed dnd HP

Fixed dnd HP

dndmemes vid #24788257 Fun fact, monks in pf2e can regain a shit ton of hit points in

Fun fact, monks in pf2e can regain a shit ton of hit points in

dndmemes vid #22497022 TIL our cleric can throat sing

TIL our cleric can throat sing

dndmemes vid #24821284 At least he remembered he had it at all.

At least he remembered he had it at all.

dndmemes vid #8631474 The Bard wasn’t finished with their Lute Solo.

The Bard wasn’t finished with their Lute Solo.

dndmemes vid #21194339 The Presidents Sit Down to Play Some D&D

The Presidents Sit Down to Play Some D&D

dndmemes vid #24170477 Dragon trouble

Dragon trouble

dndmemes vid #20128080 The wizard better be specialized in evocation!

The wizard better be specialized in evocation!

dndmemes vid #23929213 "you may look at boblin. HEY! you do not touch boblin! Only look!"

"you may look at boblin. HEY! you do not touch boblin! Only look!"

dndmemes vid #23327334 [OC] Every Time

[OC] Every Time

dndmemes vid #2030562 Our Dungeon Master had a rough weekend

Our Dungeon Master had a rough weekend

dndmemes vid #24809778 Stop selling your soul!

Stop selling your soul!

dndmemes vid #24409683 Made this in honor of one of my players who, after two years

Made this in honor of one of my players who, after two years

dndmemes vid #24507648 Prehistoric Planet confirmed T-Rex had a rival and it came from

Prehistoric Planet confirmed T-Rex had a rival and it came from

dndmemes vid #6770003 Warlock pacts.

Warlock pacts.

dndmemes vid #23730605 Vicious Mockery is a vicious mockery to the bard spell list

Vicious Mockery is a vicious mockery to the bard spell list

dndmemes vid #23492654 Hmmmmm


dndmemes vid #6939564 The artificer's new invention (Solus Astorias)

The artificer's new invention (Solus Astorias)

dndmemes vid #3360607 Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal is the best show currently on Adult

Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal is the best show currently on Adult

dndmemes vid #23720491 Cursed items can be bad... or funny

Cursed items can be bad... or funny

dndmemes vid #23600058 Surprise 'rules' in 5e absolutely suck.

Surprise 'rules' in 5e absolutely suck.

dndmemes vid #24273898 True story

True story

dndmemes vid #11268603 I'm not gonna lie. It's still hot.

I'm not gonna lie. It's still hot.

dndmemes vid #23658627 Day in the life of a DM

Day in the life of a DM

dndmemes vid #1325472 The DM, seconds after describing a dragon to the all-bard party

The DM, seconds after describing a dragon to the all-bard party

dndmemes vid #22633234 You get a dragon, and you get a dragon! Everybody gets a dragon!

You get a dragon, and you get a dragon! Everybody gets a dragon!

dndmemes vid #26029076 Very conflicted right now. Very hard to look at the sub. Harder

Very conflicted right now. Very hard to look at the sub. Harder

dndmemes vid #23663279 "I attack"

"I attack"

dndmemes vid #24013555 I mean they do contain a lot o gold though

I mean they do contain a lot o gold though

dndmemes vid #23061042 Fighters' Honest Reaction:

Fighters' Honest Reaction:

dndmemes vid #21982725 I've been messing with dnd and chat gpt for a while and I managed

I've been messing with dnd and chat gpt for a while and I managed

dndmemes vid #24522900 A small amount of trolling

A small amount of trolling

dndmemes vid #24321565 The abilities and powers of a god and the gift of immortality

The abilities and powers of a god and the gift of immortality

dndmemes vid #22838599 Channel Divinity as a Forge Domain cleric:

Channel Divinity as a Forge Domain cleric:

dndmemes vid #11758860 The DM IS A LIAR, they MUST BE


dndmemes vid #23817776 Dm moment

Dm moment

dndmemes vid #22711762 Water weirds have made my day

Water weirds have made my day

dndmemes vid #24756866 Don't worry about it, seriously

Don't worry about it, seriously

dndmemes vid #20258220 When your DM is too meticulous (slightly nsfw)

When your DM is too meticulous (slightly nsfw)

dndmemes vid #23654674 My takes are always 100% right and you should always believe

My takes are always 100% right and you should always believe