First pancake ever in this pan, I was shocked to say the least.
I hate your slidey eggs videos. So now hate mine! 10" Lodge wok
I see your slidey eggs and present my completely destroyed eggs
DO NOT WATCH IN PUBLIC. My girl was slippery AF.
Instructions unclear; butter seems to slide just fine.
I was making eggs (migas) and thought hmmm, r/castiron might
I see your gf put the pan in the dishwasher, and raise you this
Wagner #5 egg test update!
I cooked something, I think I ruined my pan, things aren’t
what can i do about all my oil pooling up in a corner?
Nonstick pans without any butter
Daily Driver Lodge-8
Slicker than gator shit 👍🏼
Sous Vide Ribeye with Bacon and Butter base finish
Eggporn in newly acquired Wagner 6” (thanks to mother-in-law)
I hear you guys like slidey eggs. NSFW
Since everyone else is displaying “slidey egg”
Managed to Accidentally Make a Meata Pocket
Ginger blueberry banana cakes (sound on for hahas)
Volume up 🍗
Leftover Thanksgiving Duck Fat
My lodge grilled cheese pan also makes the perfect pan for a
Update on the GOLDEN BOY Skillet
Follow up: first egg test on the smithey = passed
I use this cast iron to beat my meat
Slip and slide
Just a causal cleaning
My first slidy egg fought back while sending the momentous occasion
Can you go sidey?
Just made the best fried egg I’ve ever had on my Grandma’s
We get it.
Stainless > Cast Iron
Picked up a Griswold no.5 at an estate sale with a “vintage”
Anti-slip Eggs