Well this video made me euphoric knowing the possibilities
Come on shoulders.
So this happened to me a few days ago, while a little funny,
Pressed finally my biggest kettlebell (70lbs at 145 bw)
Happy with progress so far, what should I improve on? Currently
Today vs 1 year ago , info in comments
Form check?
Recovering from injury, haven’t been able to hit legs in a
after about 5 months of a disciplined routine (PPL). Before vid
148lb 5’8, 3 more lb then hitting the bulk 💯
Pull up form
Flexing video.Three months post op and almost a month on T. My
Cut or bulk??
165lbs new PR! (I’m 5’6, 20m, and weigh 150lbs). This is
Would like some advice on my pull up form. I feel like I'm straining
PR of >5 sec hang on 2cm edge (weights in comments)
How’s my form? This is about lbs I believe, heaviest weights
Advice on how to do push-ups correctly? This is my first attempt,
Push up/wrist pain
What would u guys recommend i do to build muscle and get rid
Back Progress
Last set of pull-ups at the local park
Love handles and back fat advice?
bulk or cut or just chill?