videos / CrazyFuckingVideos

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #18121905 Dude gets lit up by multiple paintball guns

Dude gets lit up by multiple paintball guns

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #14107587 Underwear-clad 4-year-old cursing and swinging on Police Officers

Underwear-clad 4-year-old cursing and swinging on Police Officers

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16312547 Ex stalker boyfriend tries to kill girl during Uber ride

Ex stalker boyfriend tries to kill girl during Uber ride

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #18982084 Child Predator Confronted By The Father

Child Predator Confronted By The Father

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #14691006 Terrifying sequence of events

Terrifying sequence of events

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16627463 You’re an ER doctor and a patient came in with this situation.

You’re an ER doctor and a patient came in with this situation.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #34336797 A tapeworm living inside a bear can reach lengths of 30 feet

A tapeworm living inside a bear can reach lengths of 30 feet

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #11277540 Pick up your trash gone wrong

Pick up your trash gone wrong

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #17448647 KO!


CrazyFuckingVideos vid #18895240 Rare defense technique caught on tape

Rare defense technique caught on tape

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #8337775 "Going to Thailand and not shagging a ladyboy is like going to

"Going to Thailand and not shagging a ladyboy is like going to

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #10355390 ghost rider

ghost rider

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #12763334 Man wearing a Grim reaper costume set himself on fire in front

Man wearing a Grim reaper costume set himself on fire in front

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #12311406 man punching window hits major artery

man punching window hits major artery

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #15970612 Ever wondered what happens to a magician if they can’t escape

Ever wondered what happens to a magician if they can’t escape

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #10593043 Serving an eviction notice goes incredibly wrong

Serving an eviction notice goes incredibly wrong

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #20177545 police car gets shredded with an AK

police car gets shredded with an AK

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #24405979 Woman Shoots Man at Gas Station After He Opens Her Car Door And

Woman Shoots Man at Gas Station After He Opens Her Car Door And

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #18410301 To try and hit the wrong ass in Amsterdam

To try and hit the wrong ass in Amsterdam

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #17908367 why bro punching in slow mo

why bro punching in slow mo

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #8813136 Woman calls Black Cop the N-word, dares him to shoot her and

Woman calls Black Cop the N-word, dares him to shoot her and

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #9434308 You good there bro

You good there bro

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #39709181 The longer version with different angles and the aftermath.

The longer version with different angles and the aftermath.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #18945711 Drug Traffickers get whipped by entire village in Zambia

Drug Traffickers get whipped by entire village in Zambia

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #17239026 Woman pets a snake and gets heavily bitten and wrapped

Woman pets a snake and gets heavily bitten and wrapped

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #23567615 View of the collapsing south tower (9.11.2001)

View of the collapsing south tower (9.11.2001)

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #20855037 Bathroom banging

Bathroom banging

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #18185911 Giant shits pants and eats a chair to the face

Giant shits pants and eats a chair to the face

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16765622 Man go into surgery because of the excessive use of cock ring

Man go into surgery because of the excessive use of cock ring

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #14382576 That escalated quick

That escalated quick

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #15722582 one boob gone

one boob gone

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #18448425 Spanish police brutally beat and assault couple for filming an

Spanish police brutally beat and assault couple for filming an

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #12548348 Beto O'Rourke (Texas Democratic Nominee) Interrupts TX Gov Greg

Beto O'Rourke (Texas Democratic Nominee) Interrupts TX Gov Greg

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #12303203 Russian Roulette

Russian Roulette

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #26128965 Dude thinks he is playing GTA but soon he found out he's playing

Dude thinks he is playing GTA but soon he found out he's playing

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #9153677 Hungry pussy goes for a snack

Hungry pussy goes for a snack

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16209835 Finger cut while go-karting.

Finger cut while go-karting.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #15381756 Thief gets his face slashed while robbing a female store owner.

Thief gets his face slashed while robbing a female store owner.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #39234879 Man skinny dipping at Disneyland

Man skinny dipping at Disneyland

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #39859397 Ex of streamer's girlfriend shows up to apartment with shotgun,

Ex of streamer's girlfriend shows up to apartment with shotgun,

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #26081486 Dude randomly opens fire on police officer.

Dude randomly opens fire on police officer.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #6975209 Windy day in a parking lot..

Windy day in a parking lot..

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #17529765 Tik tok dance move sounds brutal

Tik tok dance move sounds brutal

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #19318149 Shooting that happened today in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood.

Shooting that happened today in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #25017528 Woman attacked by three dogs

Woman attacked by three dogs

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #20332627 when you try to make traffic flinch

when you try to make traffic flinch

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #38329200 This classic video

This classic video

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #7461612 Guy who got hit by a car gets runned over by the ambulance

Guy who got hit by a car gets runned over by the ambulance