videos / CrazyFuckingVideos

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #20283529 Guy hit by mooring line

Guy hit by mooring line

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #14978133 domestic violence suspect ambushing officers in Queens

domestic violence suspect ambushing officers in Queens

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #23673592 Man knocks female officer unconscious and continues to beat her

Man knocks female officer unconscious and continues to beat her

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #22823422 Two men tried to save the bird caught in the electric wire with

Two men tried to save the bird caught in the electric wire with

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #38363879 Somebody in my town decided to play chicken with a bus

Somebody in my town decided to play chicken with a bus

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #20179810 Extreme study culture in China pushes a student on the edge of

Extreme study culture in China pushes a student on the edge of

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #18586334 This is some occult type s**t

This is some occult type s**t

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #10197653 "Theres no loses in russian military force"

"Theres no loses in russian military force"

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #14467375 Man attacks 2 Cops with metal baseball bat “I am a king, you

Man attacks 2 Cops with metal baseball bat “I am a king, you

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #14929665 What drugs make you a fish?

What drugs make you a fish?

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #23563631 Cement truck slams into an ambulance, causing the patient to

Cement truck slams into an ambulance, causing the patient to

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #10392693 A football match between Queretaro and Atlas teams in Mexico

A football match between Queretaro and Atlas teams in Mexico

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #11661189 Woman stabs child in the face with knife & attempts to stab

Woman stabs child in the face with knife & attempts to stab

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #14758879 Just another day for these guys.

Just another day for these guys.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #15251782 Pastor get bitten by a poisonous snake while preaching the gospel

Pastor get bitten by a poisonous snake while preaching the gospel

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #27340480 Seal with severe rope entanglement [GRAPHIC]

Seal with severe rope entanglement [GRAPHIC]

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #25931334 India : Car got literally parked on his balls

India : Car got literally parked on his balls

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #11202157 Cop mag dumps all 12 rounds of his clip into the chest of a crazed

Cop mag dumps all 12 rounds of his clip into the chest of a crazed

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #39410400 Guy interviews a local celebrity

Guy interviews a local celebrity

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16517079 A handcuffed drunk man spits in a cop's face and is brutally

A handcuffed drunk man spits in a cop's face and is brutally

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #10574716 Granny Launcher

Granny Launcher

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #10400973 Russian journalist Irina Slavina dies of self-immolation, protesting

Russian journalist Irina Slavina dies of self-immolation, protesting

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #39580621 Elephant rips a huge fart RIGHT in front of the carer

Elephant rips a huge fart RIGHT in front of the carer

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #17354965 Supposedly the aftermath of a car accident involving a stolen

Supposedly the aftermath of a car accident involving a stolen

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16266033 "OH MY GOD! Are you okay?" doesn't seem to be.

"OH MY GOD! Are you okay?" doesn't seem to be.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16248262 Dude cuts a tree down with a chainsaw. Another dude goes to investigate

Dude cuts a tree down with a chainsaw. Another dude goes to investigate

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #22487439 Pride before a broken Arm

Pride before a broken Arm

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #26450735 5 cops vs 2 guys with knifes

5 cops vs 2 guys with knifes

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #8541192 Holy fucking shit.

Holy fucking shit.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #12869464 Bunch of teens tried to block a big truck to make "content".

Bunch of teens tried to block a big truck to make "content".

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #19303437 Prank gone wrong (stabbing and blood)

Prank gone wrong (stabbing and blood)

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #25484260 Ariel Valiente kept his cool after a giant bird smashed into

Ariel Valiente kept his cool after a giant bird smashed into

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #40387607 RPG-7 explodes during live fire. High speed footage. No deaths.

RPG-7 explodes during live fire. High speed footage. No deaths.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #9566896 No fucking way😱

No fucking way😱

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #22813395 Woman tries to act innocent after trying to run from cops

Woman tries to act innocent after trying to run from cops

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #19182265 He just wanted to poop

He just wanted to poop

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #24733889 I’ll eat what I want, bitch

I’ll eat what I want, bitch

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #11071757 This bowling alley strike animation

This bowling alley strike animation

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #40247172 An MP detonated three grenades at a meeting of his own village

An MP detonated three grenades at a meeting of his own village

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #13666282 Cop shoots a guy in India.

Cop shoots a guy in India.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #17264674 Found on Twitter. Pred gets beat up and stabbed for touching

Found on Twitter. Pred gets beat up and stabbed for touching

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16270772 Cyclists are hit by a car during a police chase

Cyclists are hit by a car during a police chase

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #10618430 The man who committed suicide after he could not afford the material

The man who committed suicide after he could not afford the material

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #24233934 A Ukrainian soldier gets wounded. His friend asks for his rifle

A Ukrainian soldier gets wounded. His friend asks for his rifle

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #14871109 Drunk guy fell into boiling water.

Drunk guy fell into boiling water.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #9495736 The shooting of Alison Parker & Adam Ward on live TV

The shooting of Alison Parker & Adam Ward on live TV

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #17429381 Streamer got caught in Seoul Halloween crowd crush which killed

Streamer got caught in Seoul Halloween crowd crush which killed

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #26635200 Deep in the heart of Texas

Deep in the heart of Texas