videos / CrazyFuckingVideos

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #15940453 Child completely ignored while drowning surrounded by people.

Child completely ignored while drowning surrounded by people.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #19073816 Brave people prevent a public murder

Brave people prevent a public murder

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16589372 Asks a friend to break his leg so he won't be taken to the Russian

Asks a friend to break his leg so he won't be taken to the Russian

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #13193743 Guy freakouts and attempts too kill neighbor before he is shot

Guy freakouts and attempts too kill neighbor before he is shot

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16616134 Rate my dive.

Rate my dive.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #15811859 Ex-Boyfriend Is Shot By Ex-Girlfriend's Dad When He Tries To

Ex-Boyfriend Is Shot By Ex-Girlfriend's Dad When He Tries To

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16049874 Man gets hot branded

Man gets hot branded

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #15052247 Police Officer in shock after a shootout with an armed suspect.

Police Officer in shock after a shootout with an armed suspect.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #19908368 Man pulls out a katana to save another man getting jumped

Man pulls out a katana to save another man getting jumped

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #26865803 Carnival ride plunges 50 feet to the ground in India

Carnival ride plunges 50 feet to the ground in India

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #17118223 Kitty has a Bot fly removal. Twice!

Kitty has a Bot fly removal. Twice!

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #20480746 Wife beats husband immediately after he got home

Wife beats husband immediately after he got home

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16650255 Two village best friends broke their arms with a sledgehammer

Two village best friends broke their arms with a sledgehammer

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #19302395 Racist old lady gets beat by gas station employee

Racist old lady gets beat by gas station employee

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #19213775 Another angle of the tamer attacked by a tiger in an Italian

Another angle of the tamer attacked by a tiger in an Italian

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #10485010 Hostage taker gets headshot from deputy - hostage unharmed (Bodycam

Hostage taker gets headshot from deputy - hostage unharmed (Bodycam

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #21487766 Argentina: An employee defended herself with a knife from a robbery

Argentina: An employee defended herself with a knife from a robbery

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #14795008 3 Sherman shepherds killed my cat

3 Sherman shepherds killed my cat

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #19664868 Not today…

Not today…

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #18359518 Woman looks over the edge of a waterfall, slips, and falls down.

Woman looks over the edge of a waterfall, slips, and falls down.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #15489963 You would not believe what the onlookers did!

You would not believe what the onlookers did!

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #11722948 ....dude is crazy af

....dude is crazy af

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #26567537 Body camera shows officers kick-in door to rescue baby being

Body camera shows officers kick-in door to rescue baby being

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #14160867 everything about this video is fokd'up

everything about this video is fokd'up

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #14722180 Self defense in Armed Robbery, It Happened in Medellin

Self defense in Armed Robbery, It Happened in Medellin

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #12095683 Routine Arrest In Chicago Goes South Real Quick

Routine Arrest In Chicago Goes South Real Quick

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16091603 A TV host in Argentina reacts to the news that Queen Elizabeth

A TV host in Argentina reacts to the news that Queen Elizabeth

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #17625060 EXTREME NSFW* The crap doctors deal with.

EXTREME NSFW* The crap doctors deal with.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #19950309 Trying to bully a policeman....

Trying to bully a policeman....

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #28276481 Guy tries to rob woman who is 9 months pregnant, and soon regrets

Guy tries to rob woman who is 9 months pregnant, and soon regrets

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #13682477 Why?


CrazyFuckingVideos vid #11140277 Remember how this step-dad killed the biological dad for trying

Remember how this step-dad killed the biological dad for trying

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #12041901 Balls stuck in a ring.

Balls stuck in a ring.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16425437 Dude blows a hole in his hand after playing with a live firearm.

Dude blows a hole in his hand after playing with a live firearm.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #19594641 Outnumbered UK Policeman takes out the criminals at ease.

Outnumbered UK Policeman takes out the criminals at ease.

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #13638033 Man fights with protester an- DAMN

Man fights with protester an- DAMN

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #19779616 Quarrel goes wrong

Quarrel goes wrong

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #14864023 Mistaking her talking for the queue to start

Mistaking her talking for the queue to start

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #17151804 Lady gets arm crushed in a machine

Lady gets arm crushed in a machine

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #22266233 Naked woman chases police officer

Naked woman chases police officer

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #13464814 Buddy hit the quick release button 😳

Buddy hit the quick release button 😳

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #23633021 The elevator swallows two drunk guys

The elevator swallows two drunk guys

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #19370951 Two delicate women put these disrespectful men in their place

Two delicate women put these disrespectful men in their place

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #27200789 Where is the gas pedal?

Where is the gas pedal?

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #22306615 who's at fault? the guy doing the illegal thing or the guy doing

who's at fault? the guy doing the illegal thing or the guy doing

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #8461291 These guys are attempting to eat Surströmming fish, the probably

These guys are attempting to eat Surströmming fish, the probably

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #16584632 Rollercoaster accident Melbourne Australia 2022

Rollercoaster accident Melbourne Australia 2022

CrazyFuckingVideos vid #13349468 Car randomly pulls up next to a cop, driver jumps out with an

Car randomly pulls up next to a cop, driver jumps out with an