My fish had a baby
I call it... a ‘Flaming Karen’
feeding a bird
Wheee Splat.....
haven’t seen that move before
Incredible break
Hell Nooo
Making it up the hill........I think I can, I think I can.......wait
He just couldn’t help himself NSFW
Removing a wasp nest...with temporary success
They thought it was cute
Nigga What?
Is there a doctor in the gym
Oof beware it may be nsfw for some people
Let’s see how high she can fly...
Dog vs Crocodile
That probably wasn't meant to happen...
[NSFL] Almost got away, almost.
There you go!
limbo like a pro, or not
NSFW trying to cross the street on a wheelchair
chopping a tree
Watching this classic... NSFW
Run Forrest
[NSFW] There he goes (Sound on)
man wtf
He didn't see that coming [NSFW]
How low can you go?
Obvious next step
No wonder they never come home for the holidays
He shold've quite, while he was ahead
He Just used Avada Kadavra on his girl friend.
Don't eat the leftovers.
Waiting patiently is not for me
It’s getting really ugly out there. NSFW (maybe).
Don’t pick on me
Was re-watching Game of Thrones and forgot about the most yesyesyesno
[NSFW] Hate when that happens
These should be illegal (NSFW)
Remember that game ad where the guy leaves when he discovers
The embarrassment he must've felt after this
Chihuahuas: 50% hate, 50% stupidity