Freedom is cumming.
Not Safe For Feds (NSFF)
Young woman ready for the Boogaloo. Draw speed needs work though.
Never turn your back on a loaded gat.
Cant even read about our saviour, Jesus Christ, in peace anymore.
Just doin’ my part
Free f0n3 pls; nope howbout U bleed the fcuk out on floor instead?
I'm a simple man. I find Meth, I share it.
Militia preparing for dindu war Circa2018 (VIDEO OC)
Mag dump boog
Oper8ers on ice
Did we decide if drop leg holsters were full gay or just kinda
Remy LaCroix
Where would he rank on the GUD BOAI scale?
Meth Monday. Definitely not OC.
[NSFW] When you meth hears them alphabet boys sneaking up on
U gabe poops, here is small booty shake meth for more poops,
[NSFW] Happy meth Monday
MFW ATF finds out I have assault gats [OC-ish plz no step]
One Last Hit of Meth to Finish Off Your Monday
Rooftop offspring be all like...
Meth Monday: Gratuitous Nudity Edition
Sendy sendy squirrel tendies
Bad Girl
[NSFW] Remy does PewPewPew
Alphabet Bois (Circa 1986 Colorized)
Mrw the news says there's another shooting and I also grew great
When she's all primed but it ain't monday.
Wewlad: a Weekendgunnit Wedding
Trying to condition meth for future dank OC [no step]
Kentucky Windage Meth
MRW I don’t have enough ZWC for a pelican case but I wanna
Wheely gat meth
300BlackoutDrunk using his 40MM for HD for the first time
tHiCk CoAtS aRe InNeFfEcTiVe AGaiNsT HoLLoPoiNTs
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Training our first meth agent. Keeps missing the puppers.
[FUCK IT FRIDAY] It's Friday, and this has been a shit week.
MFW They Start Moving South of the Zambezi
Stolen content that belongs here (Meth Tuesday?) [NSFW]
Going into anywhere on reddit other than gunnit this week [old
>9mm and .38 special are adequate dindu repellent calibers
My gun sounds kinda funny
heroin whore goes fullauto
when normies come to 🎩 sub and see ratshot meme (stolen but
Hold my beer while I use this gat completely inappropriately.
What did one mod say to the other mod?
Meth looks... uncomfortable