videos / vidid

vidid vid #16322111 I will put my hand in the closing gate... What could go wrong

I will put my hand in the closing gate... What could go wrong

vidid vid #16114906 Man chokes out a Pitbull to save a woman

Man chokes out a Pitbull to save a woman

vidid vid #39906388 Villagers in Mexico were fed up with cartel extorting money and

Villagers in Mexico were fed up with cartel extorting money and

vidid vid #16165789 Hyena bites off finger zoo worker and eats it

Hyena bites off finger zoo worker and eats it

vidid vid #39839770 Policeman accidentally shoots a woman while cleaning his gun

Policeman accidentally shoots a woman while cleaning his gun

vidid vid #39967186 Chinese workers got crushed in a mine after an elevator failure

Chinese workers got crushed in a mine after an elevator failure

vidid vid #16138916 Pitbull attacks horse

Pitbull attacks horse

vidid vid #16267538 They hooked the flag on high-voltage lines. 7 people were electrocuted

They hooked the flag on high-voltage lines. 7 people were electrocuted

vidid vid #16598312 "Small" splinter in the foot...

"Small" splinter in the foot...

vidid vid #40211746 Ukrainian man got robbed in Turkey and decided to pursue the

Ukrainian man got robbed in Turkey and decided to pursue the

vidid vid #18228311 Bulletproof vest test went wrong NSFW

Bulletproof vest test went wrong NSFW

vidid vid #23918896 Her cheeks got clapped...

Her cheeks got clapped...

vidid vid #40150794 Unsecured wall of soil falls on a worker during an ongoing construction

Unsecured wall of soil falls on a worker during an ongoing construction

vidid vid #18281497 Some dog owners claim that this is almost the only working way

Some dog owners claim that this is almost the only working way

vidid vid #20953219 The boy played with strippers. His girlfriend reacted

The boy played with strippers. His girlfriend reacted

vidid vid #15926047 Australian lizard swallows a rabbit on a golf course

Australian lizard swallows a rabbit on a golf course

vidid vid #15648225 Rat vs rooster. Don't mess with the cocks

Rat vs rooster. Don't mess with the cocks

vidid vid #22553699 Women's struggle with an unexpected ending

Women's struggle with an unexpected ending

vidid vid #40703446 Santa Claus falls from a 24-story building in Chelyabinsk, Russia

Santa Claus falls from a 24-story building in Chelyabinsk, Russia

vidid vid #15255060 Patient with a knife in his back said he felt fine and was leaving

Patient with a knife in his back said he felt fine and was leaving

vidid vid #16376007 Petting the reptile ended up with a painful bite

Petting the reptile ended up with a painful bite

vidid vid #20081084 A terrible accident! The driver did not wear a seat belt

A terrible accident! The driver did not wear a seat belt

vidid vid #15859010 The first date was quite successful. Tits are dancing on a roller

The first date was quite successful. Tits are dancing on a roller

vidid vid #27756490 Great store!

Great store!

vidid vid #17953695 A smashed Porsche and a driver without ... a head! NSFW

A smashed Porsche and a driver without ... a head! NSFW

vidid vid #40020058 When the ladder is just not strong enough

When the ladder is just not strong enough

vidid vid #23115315 If you are tired of Western films with predictable plots, then

If you are tired of Western films with predictable plots, then

vidid vid #21594850 Fatal crash at toll booth in Chile

Fatal crash at toll booth in Chile

vidid vid #20399374 New glass holder

New glass holder

vidid vid #26513276 Victim launches surprise attack during Robbery

Victim launches surprise attack during Robbery

vidid vid #15185312 A dead whale explodes ...

A dead whale explodes ...

vidid vid #40639115 The bus stopped, so he thought he could cross the street

The bus stopped, so he thought he could cross the street

vidid vid #15185343 Unsuccessful attempt to stand on its head... Yes woman died...

Unsuccessful attempt to stand on its head... Yes woman died...

vidid vid #20726630 The girl's reaction to the portrait

The girl's reaction to the portrait

vidid vid #14197231 A lion at the Jamaica Zoo bit off the finger of a guy who allowed

A lion at the Jamaica Zoo bit off the finger of a guy who allowed

vidid vid #20570789 Romanian Girls Butt Slap Competition

Romanian Girls Butt Slap Competition

vidid vid #40516409 Drunk Russian serviceman falls under a train

Drunk Russian serviceman falls under a train

vidid vid #15084205 Chard tuna anyone?

Chard tuna anyone?

vidid vid #21997721 The bandits attacked the policemen and soon regretted it

The bandits attacked the policemen and soon regretted it

vidid vid #24891365 Girl power!

Girl power!

vidid vid #21637784 Drive-by assassins open fire in Mexico City street killing one

Drive-by assassins open fire in Mexico City street killing one

vidid vid #38808902 Brave man pulls out an injured cop from a shootout

Brave man pulls out an injured cop from a shootout

vidid vid #26513705 For setting Bulls horn on fire..

For setting Bulls horn on fire..

vidid vid #37758421 They baited the pig into coming near the alligator

They baited the pig into coming near the alligator

vidid vid #26980395 Performing topless for small children

Performing topless for small children

vidid vid #40272549 Village councillor throws live grenades during a council meeting,

Village councillor throws live grenades during a council meeting,

vidid vid #28586845 So ashamed to be human…

So ashamed to be human…

vidid vid #29176961 Drunk man falls asleep in a forest

Drunk man falls asleep in a forest