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Orcs are get crazy from this video
The video from the Russian soldier's phone from then occupied
JUST NOW!! The Ruzzians just hit the train station in Kramatorsk
Ось так рашисти розстрілюють в упор
Army of Orcs the Self-liquidatorZ
An epic video about what the Russians have awakened in the peace-loving
This is what happened to Russians who have tried to cross Dnipro
bye bye, russian invader
The streets of Kyiv this morning. Russia is a terrorist state
Bodies of civilians lying on the road in Bucha, which was occupied
body of the russian captain was eaten by Ukrainian pigs
The second russian pilot died. Chernihiv 05/03/2022
The temporarily occupied Kherson. A local civilian being interrogated
People were going back home with water. All killed by “brothers”
#AZOV shevron, the real meaning! Repost please
Nice try russian propagandists, but you failed again!
in this car were a grandfather and a grandmother, civilians.
Ruzzian orc beats a young man for having piercing, forcing the
21+! Це Маріуполь. Всі росіяни повинні
Burnt-out Russians are very beautiful
Український БТР-4 працює по піхоті
It's a battle of good vs evil!
Russian soldier discusses torture of Ukrainians with his mother
The result of HIMARS impact on the Kakhovska hydroelectric power
❗️Tanks of Russian invaders are destroying Mariupol. Literally
Breaks the soul, it is impossible to watch without tears. The
Muslim Russian Wariors
Armed Forces destroyed russian airborn forces column
Zelensky's adviser Mykhailo Podoliak published a terrible video
Murdered Russians in Irpen now feed the birds
ruZZian dead Vanya
Bayraktar>russian anti-aircraft
ось вони, бійці за традиційні цінності
The video shows the abuse of russian occupiers of civilians.
Знищено «Гради» російських фашистів,
This message should become viral!! VERY IMPORTANT!!!
Comparison of Russian "news" and what is happening
🕯24 січня 2015 року до Маріуполя завітав
Invaders must die!
AZOV Mariupol in action
Russian hiding in storage closet gets flushed out*CQB* sorry
At least 23 people are killed and 28 are injured after a russian
Спецназ 2-ї бригади РФ. Ті самі які
[18+] Кадри із березня місяця. У Запорізькій
A torture chamber in Bucha. Here Russians murdered civilians,