Hair Transplant Follicular Unit Extraction
Cockroaches hatching
Makes my skin crawl
Baby Toads Born from Mom's Back
Cross post from r/nope ...doggo with wormos leaving some holes
This makes me ill
It’s coming for you.
Starfish out for a walk
This is gonna blow your mind!
POV: your hand was numb and your blood is flowing back NOW
Egg white flat bread....
Lighting a match close up at 4000 frames per second.
Paint 🎨 remover
Crazy tattoo by Jesse Rix (@jesse_rix)
Surinam Sea Toad: The Embodiment of Trypophobia
This triggered the hell out of my trypophobia.
Highly unsettling.
I can't not stop not watching.
This makes me feel so uncomfortable really
Nanopocalypse: A Glimpse into the World of the Tiny Conquerors
Baby Bird Mouths
Thanks, I hate tik tok
Animated circles
Jigger, a parasitic sand flea, being removed from human skin
Nevus Comedonicus. Just no.
I like long walks on the beach :)
I was wondering if you all have already seen Surinam toad giving
sun fish being cut and weird blubber from holes
This brisket I was prepping at work that has chunks of grease
Harvesting a Lotus Pod
Deep frog
This is super gross but I love it
Try staring at this a few times
A little ball of nope
Melted caramel desserts
I have very mixed feelings about this...
Spray paint on styrofoam
Acute Multiocular Orbital Hyper Proliferation (aMOH)
This freaks my nephew out...
mango worm extraction
Never go to the beach again
This candy is unsettling
Jellybelly Customs mold making process
This pie I made