videos / tisjustafleshwound

tisjustafleshwound vid #4570078 Turned legs to jelly

Turned legs to jelly

tisjustafleshwound vid #7117150 Kids be dumb

Kids be dumb

tisjustafleshwound vid #3711424 Hell of a fleshwound

Hell of a fleshwound

tisjustafleshwound vid #7264653 Why just why

Why just why

tisjustafleshwound vid #7167605 God bonk lol

God bonk lol

tisjustafleshwound vid #4951040 Aaaww snap

Aaaww snap

tisjustafleshwound vid #7665799 Should have listened to your buddy

Should have listened to your buddy

tisjustafleshwound vid #4134335 Ouch


tisjustafleshwound vid #4214948 Hell of a fleshwound

Hell of a fleshwound

tisjustafleshwound vid #6116484 Hooooly shit

Hooooly shit

tisjustafleshwound vid #5748129 I mean... He didn't fall in

I mean... He didn't fall in

tisjustafleshwound vid #4539127 And introducing toothless

And introducing toothless

tisjustafleshwound vid #4806605 Look ma no hands

Look ma no hands

tisjustafleshwound vid #6500109 Byebye pinky

Byebye pinky

tisjustafleshwound vid #6096871 Follow your dreams

Follow your dreams

tisjustafleshwound vid #4165585 That adrenaline tho

That adrenaline tho

tisjustafleshwound vid #12472402 Man sticks a finger in a lion's cage, what could go wrong?

Man sticks a finger in a lion's cage, what could go wrong?

tisjustafleshwound vid #4200134 Skateboarding fleshwound

Skateboarding fleshwound

tisjustafleshwound vid #3710752 I imagined the sound when this happened

I imagined the sound when this happened

tisjustafleshwound vid #14432245 Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo

Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo

tisjustafleshwound vid #13529339 Fireworks In Mouth....NSFW

Fireworks In Mouth....NSFW

tisjustafleshwound vid #3729055 Guess who's skipping gym now

Guess who's skipping gym now

tisjustafleshwound vid #4643625 Broke my foot in half in a dirt bike accident

Broke my foot in half in a dirt bike accident

tisjustafleshwound vid #4114406 Ouch that had to hurt

Ouch that had to hurt

tisjustafleshwound vid #3560198 Obviously tis just a flesh wound

Obviously tis just a flesh wound

tisjustafleshwound vid #6448328 You dumbass

You dumbass