videos / starrie

u_starrie vid #20696141 I am super nervous about posting this, I hope you like

I am super nervous about posting this, I hope you like

u_starrie vid #38088765 Test 4

Test 4

u_starrie vid #27864373 I love you dudes

I love you dudes

u_starrie vid #24396720 I very rarely post my butt

I very rarely post my butt

u_starrie vid #6908245 I meant u/starrie, audio in comments

I meant u/starrie, audio in comments

u_starrie vid #25177066 !!!


u_starrie vid #20612409 One of my first videos

One of my first videos

u_starrie vid #24115687 So, with imgur cleaning house and discovering I can post videos

So, with imgur cleaning house and discovering I can post videos

u_starrie vid #24698104 !!!! Happy hump day

!!!! Happy hump day

u_starrie vid #22980447 Imgur link fail

Imgur link fail

u_starrie vid #23657748 Electric boogaloo! Yadda yadda sleep deprived, yadda yolo, yadda

Electric boogaloo! Yadda yadda sleep deprived, yadda yolo, yadda

u_starrie vid #10848907 I am super nervous about this and it’s a one of a kind but

I am super nervous about this and it’s a one of a kind but

u_starrie vid #18016067 I need your guy’s opinion! Video a

I need your guy’s opinion! Video a

u_starrie vid #24114864 One of my first videos

One of my first videos

u_starrie vid #13813518 Sigh, titty drops aren’t much of my strong suit.

Sigh, titty drops aren’t much of my strong suit.

u_starrie vid #24251216 You can hold me/ like he never/ and I’ll fuck you/ like nothing

You can hold me/ like he never/ and I’ll fuck you/ like nothing

u_starrie vid #26544187 I am still here

I am still here

u_starrie vid #14125368 You guys are the best

You guys are the best

u_starrie vid #27795896 Test


u_starrie vid #13940711 First time doing this!

First time doing this!

u_starrie vid #12981748 I’ve been posting on redgif for a year?!

I’ve been posting on redgif for a year?!

u_starrie vid #23705612 I give up. I’ve tried to make a video wearing this shirt and

I give up. I’ve tried to make a video wearing this shirt and

u_starrie vid #11802126 It’s official, I am obsessed with this bra.

It’s official, I am obsessed with this bra.

u_starrie vid #13023528 I’ll probably delete this when I get out of this “mood”

I’ll probably delete this when I get out of this “mood”

u_starrie vid #19826817 !!


u_starrie vid #14092444 Moar?!


u_starrie vid #12147176 Good morning my dudes!

Good morning my dudes!

u_starrie vid #17278079 Sorry for the lack of nudity, I have been sick. I am feeling

Sorry for the lack of nudity, I have been sick. I am feeling

u_starrie vid #14179253 I have a question! Is any subs you dudes think I should post

I have a question! Is any subs you dudes think I should post

u_starrie vid #12021419 If you cats have any ideas for videos, let me know!

If you cats have any ideas for videos, let me know!

u_starrie vid #20290085 I get a lot of requests about if I have pre weight loss videos

I get a lot of requests about if I have pre weight loss videos

u_starrie vid #17607709 Sorry for the lack of videos! I’ve been sick. Good morning

Sorry for the lack of videos! I’ve been sick. Good morning

u_starrie vid #8757137 More ass?

More ass?

u_starrie vid #11732606 Another video!

Another video!

u_starrie vid #12369620 A little thank you to you cats for being so uplifting!

A little thank you to you cats for being so uplifting!

u_starrie vid #14288623 I was watching the “granny gif” I made this as a comparison,

I was watching the “granny gif” I made this as a comparison,

u_starrie vid #9617055 Wasn’t sure about this one

Wasn’t sure about this one

u_starrie vid #9160435 Another ass video

Another ass video

u_starrie vid #8739464 You asked for ass

You asked for ass

u_starrie vid #18033180 Here’s some authentic starrie.

Here’s some authentic starrie.

u_starrie vid #11572147 Not sure about this one, but I love you cats and you deserve

Not sure about this one, but I love you cats and you deserve

u_starrie vid #19915679 I’ve been informed I don’t post my ass enough.

I’ve been informed I don’t post my ass enough.

u_starrie vid #24192813 Titles escape me

Titles escape me

u_starrie vid #19345066 Earlier today, in starrieland

Earlier today, in starrieland

u_starrie vid #20385283 Adventures in slow motion

Adventures in slow motion

u_starrie vid #14002990 Don’t know if I posted this

Don’t know if I posted this

u_starrie vid #12070527 Last question for a while! I promise. What’s your favourite

Last question for a while! I promise. What’s your favourite

u_starrie vid #21063725 Too many videos!

Too many videos!