Just came home to a spider eating one of my Neocaridinas.
Added a calcium supplement to my shrimp tank...
They said Pygmy puffers might eat my shrimp… Yeah about that
Local Mom outraged By Public Orgy
Just watched a bunch of males attempting to impregnate a female.
Oh my 😳
Oh yay a baby ne- oh.
Suicidal? Suffering? Stupid?
Failed molting leads to death. Not sure if it’s been captured
There’s been a murder:(
The circle of life (RIP shrimpy)
shrimp eats me (graphic)
Update - thai micro crab killing my neocaridina shrimp. Posting
WTF did I just witness?!
Fifty Shades of Green
Orange neocaridina making a snack out of a small bladder snail
When you turn the lights on during a mating flight.
1HR time-lapse of Banana that pulled into the wrong neighborhood.
ID FOUND IN SHRIMP TANK this thing is massive and I want to know
One of my old boi rasboras died without me realizing it a day
Uhhhhh ??? Eating her alive while she's pinned?
What is my blue neo doing to the baby neo??? Is it eating them???
Vorticella confirmed. Excuse me while I vomit
That time I thought my skrimp was dead!!! but really she was
All of my shrimp are dying after adding plants and wood. I have
Shrimp sex? Shrex? Or are they just friends?
Amanos keep eating my baby shrimp. This one is getting brutalized,
what is happening here?! :(
Well. I guess I should have knocked before turning on the lights
2 pregnant women fight over the last ration of food!! BRAVE MAN
She found the bloodworm pile!
My shrimp have all perished
Does my first berried mama have a parasite?
This sometimes happen in my gf's tank. Random shrimp behaving
Does this count as NSFW 🙈
He ate everything but the head ..
Those little eyes 🦐
red cherry shrimps caught breeding 👩🦯
No Planaria didn't seem to work that well. Two treatment cycles
I think it's hilarious when they yeet their own turds...
Detritivores gunna detrite.
I was scrubbing the algae off the glass, wound up pulling a couple
Ghost shrimp eating a bladder snail alive
This has not happened before. *Warning!
Nature at its finest
I caught my shrimp mating on camera!!
I’ve been keeping shrimp since April, this is the first time