After several requests. Here is a video of the Penuma implant
Stretch Armstrong now ! XL -L
Doin work XL - Long …. Doctor Venezuela NY
Penuma in action
5.5 m po flacid motion
Full range of motion — week 6 — Taj — XXL
Day 18 — Flaccid Mobility — Taj — XXL
Erect movement 6m
1 year 5 months flaccid mobility
Maneuvers to resolve or reduce Penuma lateral flare (video demonstration)
20 month post op
Large | Extra Long | Taj | 2 weeks | Flaccid movement (G 5”
Large | Extra long | 4.5 weeks |Penuma in speedo (by request)
1 year and 3 months
Large | Extra long | Flaccid movement in pants
Flaccid movement | 7 weeks
2 months post op. This is the best decision I ever made. I hurt,
20 Weeks Post Op
penuma in use
Large | Extra Long | Flaccid motion in shorts
WEEK 8!!!!! Everything’s great!
1 year 5 months erect mobility
100 Days Post OP
My result
2 year Post Operation Celebration. Gaining erection with the
Erect video request.
who's wife wants a test ride?
6 weeks Post Op Flaccis Implant Flexibility
Implant Flexibility Week 8 Post Op
Mobility: Olympic clean & jerk
just over a week in, has anyone have this happen?
Day 12
Full mobility -- 10 months -- Taj XXL exoralong
Penuma in action -- what masturbation with Penuma is like - 11