videos / noncredibledefense

NonCredibleDefense vid #24338728 Most credible motorcycle oil commercial in Indonesia:

Most credible motorcycle oil commercial in Indonesia:

NonCredibleDefense vid #23938881 Victory day parade… or not

Victory day parade… or not

NonCredibleDefense vid #23774023 Add another Russian loss to the record books

Add another Russian loss to the record books

NonCredibleDefense vid #24581116 Wake up brother, we must defende the homeland

Wake up brother, we must defende the homeland

NonCredibleDefense vid #24016682 sometimes, even in the worst of situations, there is a place

sometimes, even in the worst of situations, there is a place

NonCredibleDefense vid #24227632 Russians would've done it, no question

Russians would've done it, no question

NonCredibleDefense vid #24843584 “Plans love silence. There will be no announcement of the start.”,

“Plans love silence. There will be no announcement of the start.”,

NonCredibleDefense vid #24247659 When you retake more of Bakhmut in just the past few days than

When you retake more of Bakhmut in just the past few days than

NonCredibleDefense vid #23629772 Russia and Iran host a friendship conference. They get hacked

Russia and Iran host a friendship conference. They get hacked

NonCredibleDefense vid #23734113 Sanest Ukrainian soldier, after a year at the front without rotation:D

Sanest Ukrainian soldier, after a year at the front without rotation:D

NonCredibleDefense vid #22537266 Solid Snake CQC

Solid Snake CQC

NonCredibleDefense vid #24505890 Ukrainsky dronecall

Ukrainsky dronecall

NonCredibleDefense vid #23583154 We now have trench occupied by marbled polecat too

We now have trench occupied by marbled polecat too

NonCredibleDefense vid #24535473 Offensives now have official trailers. Posted by the "dead" Zaluzhny.

Offensives now have official trailers. Posted by the "dead" Zaluzhny.

NonCredibleDefense vid #23807126 SBU, open up!

SBU, open up!

NonCredibleDefense vid #24982894 The counteroffensive is inevitable

The counteroffensive is inevitable

NonCredibleDefense vid #24367799 No sleep till Moscow

No sleep till Moscow

NonCredibleDefense vid #23085049 As this old Polish video has surfaced on NCD today, I felt compelled

As this old Polish video has surfaced on NCD today, I felt compelled

NonCredibleDefense vid #24195326 What the fuck did you just say about the Patriot missile system???

What the fuck did you just say about the Patriot missile system???

NonCredibleDefense vid #22640547 "We're Lucky They're So Fucking Stupid"

"We're Lucky They're So Fucking Stupid"

NonCredibleDefense vid #24945315 Sometimes, you just have to let out your inner Pole

Sometimes, you just have to let out your inner Pole

NonCredibleDefense vid #24054127 Ukrainian offensive looming

Ukrainian offensive looming

NonCredibleDefense vid #23985307 Russian Tank Parade at Kyiv, Ukraine

Russian Tank Parade at Kyiv, Ukraine

NonCredibleDefense vid #24297980 RPG in CQB


NonCredibleDefense vid #19431948 Weakest "woke" military

Weakest "woke" military

NonCredibleDefense vid #24892578 3000 traditional Ukrainian peasant houses of Zelensky

3000 traditional Ukrainian peasant houses of Zelensky

NonCredibleDefense vid #23004016 Remember who you are

Remember who you are

NonCredibleDefense vid #23723172 In Kremlin new pope has been chosen

In Kremlin new pope has been chosen

NonCredibleDefense vid #24426732 Ukrainian MOD at it again

Ukrainian MOD at it again

NonCredibleDefense vid #23383038 I present you “The Frog”

I present you “The Frog”

NonCredibleDefense vid #24082320 Most credible Russian tactical withdrawal

Most credible Russian tactical withdrawal

NonCredibleDefense vid #22948984 How could you shoot unarmed Civilians? EASY! YA JUST DONT LEAD

How could you shoot unarmed Civilians? EASY! YA JUST DONT LEAD

NonCredibleDefense vid #22348359 Following the new guidelines…

Following the new guidelines…

NonCredibleDefense vid #23961569 Prigozhin just a Ukrainian Propagandist Now

Prigozhin just a Ukrainian Propagandist Now

NonCredibleDefense vid #24259561 Who had horse drawn carriages on the their bingo cards?

Who had horse drawn carriages on the their bingo cards?

NonCredibleDefense vid #22361093 we're also putting Saddam back in his hiding place btw

we're also putting Saddam back in his hiding place btw

NonCredibleDefense vid #23350883 Russian training video, "Alphabet of the Special military operation"

Russian training video, "Alphabet of the Special military operation"

NonCredibleDefense vid #23609906 A true Hero and Patriot

A true Hero and Patriot

NonCredibleDefense vid #23230979 OC the US dollar is supreme

OC the US dollar is supreme

NonCredibleDefense vid #22511271 New Ruski Mod Copium just dropped, even their Propoganda can't

New Ruski Mod Copium just dropped, even their Propoganda can't

NonCredibleDefense vid #20664459 The commies will never recover

The commies will never recover

NonCredibleDefense vid #24154416 Now this is advanced Infantry Tactics

Now this is advanced Infantry Tactics

NonCredibleDefense vid #24992017 This river crossing seems to be very fishy…

This river crossing seems to be very fishy…

NonCredibleDefense vid #24574988 latest HIMARS attack is brutal

latest HIMARS attack is brutal

NonCredibleDefense vid #23784848 Average human wave fan vs average last stand enjoyer

Average human wave fan vs average last stand enjoyer

NonCredibleDefense vid #23660466 We need to do something about this, suggestions?

We need to do something about this, suggestions?

NonCredibleDefense vid #24623027 me when reddit bans me for commenting the current Kosovo situation

me when reddit bans me for commenting the current Kosovo situation

NonCredibleDefense vid #22668091 Place your bets, who will make the first move?

Place your bets, who will make the first move?