The best date nights
Sissies role models
Bonding moments are the best
Ride like a girl
Dreams can come true
Focus on what you like sissy
Xmas wish
I want an endless supply
It's ok sissy
Get as good as her
Date night when there are no cute boys at the bar
The only stroking in a sissy house
What sissies mean when they hang out with the guys
Good thing for upgrades!
Sissy meditaition time
Dating goals
Sissies belong in panties
The sissy rabbit hole!
We've been besties ever since!
Want more sex? Tell your gf you're a sissy today!
Imagine she is you until this is real life
Bf wanted
He's got such a sexy booty
She enjoys feeling your body shake as he pounds you
Such a cute shade of blue!
And that outfit!
This needs to be watched at every session
Just checking
Practice makes perfect