videos / moreplatesmoredates

moreplatesmoredates vid #24210276 which one of you is this

which one of you is this

moreplatesmoredates vid #24114375 Gyms in 2023 be like…

Gyms in 2023 be like…

moreplatesmoredates vid #19384426 8 year transformation in 30 seconds

8 year transformation in 30 seconds

moreplatesmoredates vid #13684691 leg day requires Full ROM

leg day requires Full ROM

moreplatesmoredates vid #21408727 female bodybuilders vs professionals fighter

female bodybuilders vs professionals fighter

moreplatesmoredates vid #19276816 Timelapse of steroid use I found

Timelapse of steroid use I found

moreplatesmoredates vid #13736485 RIP. word is he didn't make it. be safe yall

RIP. word is he didn't make it. be safe yall

moreplatesmoredates vid #23415277 Did he just start lactating? Prolactin must be off the charts!

Did he just start lactating? Prolactin must be off the charts!

moreplatesmoredates vid #20042704 Tiktoker lifts for 1 year and hops on test + growth. What could

Tiktoker lifts for 1 year and hops on test + growth. What could

moreplatesmoredates vid #21922397 Gyno Surgery Yesterday

Gyno Surgery Yesterday

moreplatesmoredates vid #10629812 Don't max if you don't have a spotter

Don't max if you don't have a spotter

moreplatesmoredates vid #21247794 When you finally accept the fact that you don't need steroids

When you finally accept the fact that you don't need steroids

moreplatesmoredates vid #21095622 what's more dangerous than bench pressing heavy by yourself?

what's more dangerous than bench pressing heavy by yourself?

moreplatesmoredates vid #8133339 Currently bulking been working out since January 5’9 170lbs

Currently bulking been working out since January 5’9 170lbs

moreplatesmoredates vid #14971128 17y old crossfitter Emma Lawson in trenmendous shape?

17y old crossfitter Emma Lawson in trenmendous shape?

moreplatesmoredates vid #11809351 sharing my recent powerlifting competition 2nd place. I am atill

sharing my recent powerlifting competition 2nd place. I am atill

moreplatesmoredates vid #10078300 My guys mentality after introduced to More plates more dates

My guys mentality after introduced to More plates more dates

moreplatesmoredates vid #14875990 The proper response to half the questions in recent weeks (not

The proper response to half the questions in recent weeks (not

moreplatesmoredates vid #7510177 When I tell Derek to come play with my balls

When I tell Derek to come play with my balls

moreplatesmoredates vid #27871987 get in line everyone, its time for the annual mpmd cock check

get in line everyone, its time for the annual mpmd cock check

moreplatesmoredates vid #6921189 “Like no, dude…”

“Like no, dude…”

moreplatesmoredates vid #11906456 What tren does to a mf

What tren does to a mf

moreplatesmoredates vid #21447504 Average trenjoyer two cycles in:

Average trenjoyer two cycles in:

moreplatesmoredates vid #18977982 Is this that hanging technique Derek mentioned?

Is this that hanging technique Derek mentioned?

moreplatesmoredates vid #5744610 Credits to half_natty__memes on IG

Credits to half_natty__memes on IG

moreplatesmoredates vid #19797110 Natty Or Not?

Natty Or Not?

moreplatesmoredates vid #8200352 Turkeystone scams!

Turkeystone scams!

moreplatesmoredates vid #10817328 Pops having a good time at the gym

Pops having a good time at the gym

moreplatesmoredates vid #14799312 Bas Rutten talks about having 5 nmol/l Testosterone after opioid

Bas Rutten talks about having 5 nmol/l Testosterone after opioid

moreplatesmoredates vid #22783067 Dream Girl?

Dream Girl?

moreplatesmoredates vid #12621211 What is this used for?

What is this used for?

moreplatesmoredates vid #13777457 Flexing after gyno surgery looks weird. Also, don't flex right

Flexing after gyno surgery looks weird. Also, don't flex right

moreplatesmoredates vid #11347099 unexpected injury

unexpected injury

moreplatesmoredates vid #11502207 bro if you know , u know

bro if you know , u know

moreplatesmoredates vid #19255784 When you cut after a long bulk

When you cut after a long bulk

moreplatesmoredates vid #8404400 I made this from Derek's latest video

I made this from Derek's latest video

moreplatesmoredates vid #14002956 Gus natty?

Gus natty?

moreplatesmoredates vid #15335995 it's a joke †

it's a joke †

moreplatesmoredates vid #19442516 Any advice on how my partner can fix his squat form before he

Any advice on how my partner can fix his squat form before he

moreplatesmoredates vid #20384454 Which one of you is this?

Which one of you is this?

moreplatesmoredates vid #37657142 which one of you mfs is this..

which one of you mfs is this..

moreplatesmoredates vid #6294708 Best Derek clip yet

Best Derek clip yet

moreplatesmoredates vid #26342881 CrossFit is just an injury waiting to happen..

CrossFit is just an injury waiting to happen..

moreplatesmoredates vid #28367413 Which one of you is this?

Which one of you is this?

moreplatesmoredates vid #29535643 Nsfw squat fail

Nsfw squat fail

moreplatesmoredates vid #29568651 Which one of you bros was this? 😂😂

Which one of you bros was this? 😂😂

moreplatesmoredates vid #30531846 Sup guys drank from more hoes more lows

Sup guys drank from more hoes more lows

moreplatesmoredates vid #30628185 This subs dream job

This subs dream job