videos / funnyvideos_

funnyvideos vid #15213956 Happy guy after losing virginity to a prostitute in Amsterdam

Happy guy after losing virginity to a prostitute in Amsterdam

funnyvideos vid #8846660 People say the darndest things

People say the darndest things

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Could you answer that question with a straight face?

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Attack Duck

funnyvideos vid #14088231 flawless Logic

flawless Logic

funnyvideos vid #16486923 Outtake from Bear in the Big Blue House

Outtake from Bear in the Big Blue House

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Google has it rough.

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that smells like ass..

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amazing defence

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I mean…he’s not wrong.

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What feminists really want

funnyvideos vid #17343705 Don't be the first to fall asleep

Don't be the first to fall asleep

funnyvideos vid #21414711 Be the American the Japanese think you are.

Be the American the Japanese think you are.

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Boy, that escalated quickly

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Shock Then Relief

funnyvideos vid #20259112 How romantic.

How romantic.

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WTF Was That Translation Service

funnyvideos vid #21432657 He did it for the boys

He did it for the boys

funnyvideos vid #17859530 Pain brings out honesty

Pain brings out honesty

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My grandpa sent me this 😂

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2 guys at the beach decided to imitate 2 other girls who were

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21 sec 😅

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What if Harry Potter was set in USA

funnyvideos vid #22554946 I should be at work today but…

I should be at work today but…

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Just when you thought you was the best shooter..

funnyvideos vid #8403593 Christmas Delivery

Christmas Delivery

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The camera never lies.

funnyvideos vid #19406560 A classic.

A classic.

funnyvideos vid #21331285 Confused


funnyvideos vid #9199713 Got 'em

Got 'em

funnyvideos vid #17914081 Touché


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Here to help

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Well is anyone going to claim this item ?

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they can't keep getting away with it

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Just a gentleman looking for a girlfriend

funnyvideos vid #7919935 Racist field trip

Racist field trip

funnyvideos vid #9042136 I don’t know who made this but it made me laugh 😂

I don’t know who made this but it made me laugh 😂

funnyvideos vid #7820730 No, no he's got a point.

No, no he's got a point.

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quick thinking

funnyvideos vid #21656374 Been there …done that ! 😁

Been there …done that ! 😁

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I love this guy 💀

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Where's the money Lebauski?

funnyvideos vid #17552210 Great Save 😂

Great Save 😂

funnyvideos vid #20889447 Hammer


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What does blue mean?

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upside down sausage