videos / catbellies

catbellies vid #23731450 19 years of belly rubs, not a single trap 🥰

19 years of belly rubs, not a single trap 🥰

catbellies vid #24910568 I’ve never had a cat that legitimately loved belly rubs until

I’ve never had a cat that legitimately loved belly rubs until

catbellies vid #24166371 Caramel has a cute belly

Caramel has a cute belly

catbellies vid #23264459 Snorkels gets belly brushes, I just use an old hairbrush and

Snorkels gets belly brushes, I just use an old hairbrush and

catbellies vid #23880076 Belly rubs

Belly rubs

catbellies vid #22948704 I got to rub the tummy!!

I got to rub the tummy!!

catbellies vid #24271252 Morning lovin'

Morning lovin'

catbellies vid #24414369 My little BoBerry Biscuit boy purring for tumbo rubs

My little BoBerry Biscuit boy purring for tumbo rubs

catbellies vid #24629069 Winnie’s daily routine of “asking” for belly rubs

Winnie’s daily routine of “asking” for belly rubs

catbellies vid #23533121 Almost a trap, he was very polite this time

Almost a trap, he was very polite this time

catbellies vid #24630931 Is it a trap??

Is it a trap??

catbellies vid #24964996 Got attacked, still worth it

Got attacked, still worth it

catbellies vid #24746101 She wants belly rubs all day long.

She wants belly rubs all day long.

catbellies vid #24120991 Tiger requested a belly rub this morning.

Tiger requested a belly rub this morning.

catbellies vid #24326394 Rub my belly slave whilst I fall asleep to your dumb cartoons

Rub my belly slave whilst I fall asleep to your dumb cartoons

catbellies vid #23661306 it's never a trap

it's never a trap

catbellies vid #23823438 I see a cat belly off in the distance

I see a cat belly off in the distance

catbellies vid #25176216 How can i play the game while she's being this cute😍

How can i play the game while she's being this cute😍

catbellies vid #23948747 he enjoys (brief) belly rubs

he enjoys (brief) belly rubs

catbellies vid #24253220 Barnaby is always showing his belly off. I love how it looks

Barnaby is always showing his belly off. I love how it looks

catbellies vid #22570659 What do you think of Hela’s belly?

What do you think of Hela’s belly?

catbellies vid #23483935 So soft

So soft

catbellies vid #24232794 The belly is never a trap in this household

The belly is never a trap in this household

catbellies vid #23927950 Pichu loves belly scratches

Pichu loves belly scratches

catbellies vid #24619239 The rarely given permission to pet the belly.

The rarely given permission to pet the belly.

catbellies vid #25015583 My Baby has only a trap for cuddles on her belly☺️🖤

My Baby has only a trap for cuddles on her belly☺️🖤

catbellies vid #22800504 The fluffy thermometers indicate that the weather is getting

The fluffy thermometers indicate that the weather is getting

catbellies vid #24935465 Dimitri's love of belly rubs

Dimitri's love of belly rubs

catbellies vid #23860935 Our pre-sleep ritual

Our pre-sleep ritual

catbellies vid #24702486 BoBerry back again- this time a little bigger, passed out while

BoBerry back again- this time a little bigger, passed out while

catbellies vid #23290300 Waking up with belly scratches is Gherkins favourite thing in

Waking up with belly scratches is Gherkins favourite thing in

catbellies vid #23526859 Manggo


catbellies vid #22970997 A day before my Papi girl gave birth!

A day before my Papi girl gave birth!

catbellies vid #24587484 not my cat enjoying scratches

not my cat enjoying scratches

catbellies vid #23345870 Stunning!! Belly run permission!

Stunning!! Belly run permission!

catbellies vid #22606895 Monday loves to roll around in boxes

Monday loves to roll around in boxes

catbellies vid #23975022 A Bramble belly for your enjoyment

A Bramble belly for your enjoyment

catbellies vid #24710834 my pretty young lady

my pretty young lady

catbellies vid #25158422 You may continue, human

You may continue, human

catbellies vid #25159587 Relax Refresh Recharge

Relax Refresh Recharge

catbellies vid #24561833 The best belly 😍

The best belly 😍

catbellies vid #24438270 Summer enjoying the weather and some scratches!

Summer enjoying the weather and some scratches!

catbellies vid #23989626 some more belly rubs

some more belly rubs

catbellies vid #25009124 Sunning that belly

Sunning that belly

catbellies vid #24008496 Silly Kitty Belly

Silly Kitty Belly

catbellies vid #23018171 Snoozing


catbellies vid #23266782 Guaranteed trap

Guaranteed trap

catbellies vid #22365930 You want some belly? Yoshi's here for you!

You want some belly? Yoshi's here for you!