Been waiting for this to happen since I got all of them
Who likes gouramis
Green Spotted Puffers Spitting Empty Shells (GRAPHIC SNAIL VIOLENCE
Please help, what is wrong with my goldfish
So many things wrong with this . Firstly why do they call it
Is this ok? This can’t be ok
betta eating fry…
HELP! GOURAMI DYING? More details in comments!
Video is only 50% speed
cherry barb struggling to swim
Durango the Destroyer vs emerald crab
The snack that smiles back
My CPD's are having a party (nsfw 😄 )
ich or epistylis?
Are they fighting?
One of biggest fears came true…
Bull head
Hello. Newbie here. One of my fish died today and before I removed
Almost proud of this little guy with his uncanny aim, if only
Almost caught her give birth
Betta health?
It's a little graphic. But I got an assassin snail DOA from a
My betta died today, her organs seem to be coming out of her
What the heck is my apple snail doing? Hes been like this for
What to do? Swimming upside down and has a black spot on his
Is my Krib dying?
Canary in the mines.... What's going wrong and how do I protect
Please help - fish is dying?
This has happened to one of my mollys can someone help.I it a
Please help identify this little guy
So I need help diagnosing what’s wrong with my guppies so I
NSFW! My guppies are dying :(
Help please
what happened?
Follow up - Does my Denison Barb have ich (or some other type
Whats wrong with this Guppy? shot this vid yesterday and forgot
So I’ve just lost a guppy and my other two have got white spots
Need some help with my leopard corys, I found 2 dead and now
Orange Molly Fish stays at the bottom of tank and sinks when
Neon tetra formed bend in spine
Pls help it’s a emergency
Is he dying?
Why did my fish die :(
Oto help
How about my new fish tank ? any comment ???