When you try to sneak on a CV
boom goes the CV
How baby ships are made
Pure catharsis
The secret CV nerf of 0.9.9 sumed up in 10 secs
Since we're doing feels good shots.
Enemy super CV gets absolutely smashed!
The final seconds of HMS Barham. She sunk off the Egyptian coast
Oh that's nasty
"Never mind the maneuvers, just go straight at them." -Nelson
Warning: May contain abuse to... Large Boats?
Hakuryu Talks to Friendly Des Moines
Petro is pretty fun
Not today Satan
Does all BBs have to go through this?
AP Bombs OP pls nerf!
The Des Moines Experience :,)
Clap those cheeks!
I'm probably on WG's hit list after this.
[BUG] WeeGee pls fix - I knew bots had good aim but this is BS
New 100% CV Counter to DDs
This is Battleship
RNGesus in about two minutes
Peeking without information
Touching tips
Simply lovely
Radar minotaur btw
Yeah, Wargaming? I found a new bug... (Warning: it's F*ing annoying)