videos / WhyPeopleDoshit

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #3656582 Gore factory

Gore factory

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4534296 Woman Slowly Folded By Car

Woman Slowly Folded By Car

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4511758 Half Of FSA Terrorist Takes Last Drink Of Water

Half Of FSA Terrorist Takes Last Drink Of Water

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4305806 Wait for the splash. NSFW NSFL

Wait for the splash. NSFW NSFL

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4501043 Why The Long Face?

Why The Long Face?

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4473987 Man gets face blown off after shooting at tank. Graphic. NSFW

Man gets face blown off after shooting at tank. Graphic. NSFW

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4348675 Cyclist crashes, decapitated by cement truck. NSFW

Cyclist crashes, decapitated by cement truck. NSFW

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4523123 Burning Car Explodes After Man Kicks It

Burning Car Explodes After Man Kicks It

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4511424 Cartel Members Cheerfully Exhibit Organs And Body Parts

Cartel Members Cheerfully Exhibit Organs And Body Parts

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4534637 Concealed Carry VS Robbers

Concealed Carry VS Robbers

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4316692 300 km/ph accident (with aftermath) NSFW

300 km/ph accident (with aftermath) NSFW

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #3658703 Meat pancake...

Meat pancake...

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4518621 Young man thrown off bridge

Young man thrown off bridge

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4429126 Crawl to the wall NSFW

Crawl to the wall NSFW

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4462683 A man jumps from Huashan Changkong Skywalk in China on July 24,

A man jumps from Huashan Changkong Skywalk in China on July 24,

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4534413 Welding Goes Horribly Wrong

Welding Goes Horribly Wrong

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4229830 Airbag Jump NSFW

Airbag Jump NSFW

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4259355 "Oh, how awful, did he at least die painlessly?... 'To shreds,'

"Oh, how awful, did he at least die painlessly?... 'To shreds,'

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4511681 Helicopter Turns Man's Head Into Mist

Helicopter Turns Man's Head Into Mist

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4501081 Rifle Execution Explodes Head

Rifle Execution Explodes Head

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4523165 Motorcyclist Absolutely Mangled

Motorcyclist Absolutely Mangled

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4513663 Jihadist Shot Moving From Cover To Cover

Jihadist Shot Moving From Cover To Cover

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4534543 Woman Runs Under Semi But Suffers Slow Painful Death

Woman Runs Under Semi But Suffers Slow Painful Death

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4288554 Man dives in front of bus. NSFW

Man dives in front of bus. NSFW

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4534744 Sniper Takes Out FSA Fighter Wearing Stolen UN Vest

Sniper Takes Out FSA Fighter Wearing Stolen UN Vest

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4117023 Hmmm. Are these coyote tracks or dog tracks?

Hmmm. Are these coyote tracks or dog tracks?

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4523201 Behold The God Of Lightning

Behold The God Of Lightning

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4501066 Bull Has His Way With Man

Bull Has His Way With Man

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4117074 Meat tornado NSFW

Meat tornado NSFW

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4511437 Man Shoots Girlfriend And Her Mother

Man Shoots Girlfriend And Her Mother

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4534438 Retaliation Against Peruvians Continues

Retaliation Against Peruvians Continues

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #3656556 Child runs in the road and is ran over

Child runs in the road and is ran over

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4534715 Man Trapped In Burning Building

Man Trapped In Burning Building

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4501050 Woman Lays Dying In Gutter

Woman Lays Dying In Gutter

WhyPeopleDoshit vid #4511462 Car Parks On Head Of Napping Chinese Man

Car Parks On Head Of Napping Chinese Man