videos / WTFjusthappened

WTFjusthappened vid #19204212 Going for a swim

Going for a swim

WTFjusthappened vid #19006251 Post slap clarity

Post slap clarity

WTFjusthappened vid #19230349 Guy shocked after being baptized

Guy shocked after being baptized

WTFjusthappened vid #19288469 Cleaning stuff

Cleaning stuff

WTFjusthappened vid #19187922 The difference between a man and a woman

The difference between a man and a woman

WTFjusthappened vid #19446171 Making a song

Making a song

WTFjusthappened vid #19271674 Ehh what?

Ehh what?

WTFjusthappened vid #20240778 jiggle jiggle

jiggle jiggle

WTFjusthappened vid #19064195 Guy gets the rod removed from his head

Guy gets the rod removed from his head

WTFjusthappened vid #19348895 Coordination


WTFjusthappened vid #19386242 A helpful lady

A helpful lady

WTFjusthappened vid #20945456 A quick finish

A quick finish

WTFjusthappened vid #19333203 An ad

An ad

WTFjusthappened vid #19303758 Smoking kills

Smoking kills

WTFjusthappened vid #20914938 Head hunter

Head hunter

WTFjusthappened vid #19379874 Do not smoke pot

Do not smoke pot