alright yall, let's hear how you would explain this one to the
Anyone seen anything like this before?! She came in as an urgent
I call this the double corkscrew nail.
Foreign Body Removal
Snake came in for not eating & possible impaction. Petstore
Caval Syndrome
A satisfying case after a long day of Critical ones.
Who else had lots of chocolate dogs come in this weekend 😂
Dog ate a live squirrel…TW- induced vomiting
Nothing like a pyometra to start the day 🤢
This 35kg Lab was shaken like a rag doll by a Malamute at the
“He doesn’t need pain meds”
Leg degloving injury. 12/16/2019- 3/29/20
the pouch of a wild roo that got brought into work…
I have a dog shelter in Mexico, the police brought us a dog 10
Just a little splinter we pulled out of a dog.
Where’s his jaw ? No history, on why unfortunately owner was
NSFL. Heartbroken over this dog.
“She was missing for 2 days and came back like this”
Never seen pus that color before
Huge abscess on this kitty!
Since everybody likes mites
Abscess fountain! - my colleagues took this video today.
Caval Syndrome surgery- Guess how many worms were removed 🫣
got to anesthetize a dog for removal of a bleeding tumor from
Since it seems to be the flavor of the week here’s a video
Inflamed Anal Glands
NSFW dark humor post amputation …. I warned you so don’t
Little angel drop off. She's around 6 week we got no idea how
Thought y’all might enjoy the nastiness
Pyometra Popping
This sound makes my skin crawl. 😬
Thought we were going in for a possible foreign body. (Excuse
Autoevisceration after a spay.... pt was not sent home with an
And we found… a VS PINK thong (endoscopy finds!)
Gotta love an aural haematoma NSFW
Post amputation still a few lil twitches left (osteosarcoma was
3 in one month this getting ridiculous
Spay and neuter your pets, peeps...
Huuuuge abscess and septic joint on itty bitty kitten brought
Big ‘ol blood vessel feeding this large mammary tumor.
ABSCESS LANCE - cryptorchid neuter gone wrong. Came into our
My first botfly removal
Tapeworms galore
The appointment notes just said that the kitten wasn’t eating.
Maggots on a 4day old puppy.