500+ Hours in Vermintide and I think I just creamed myself
True Chad Grail Knight at work.
an instrument of sigmar's will
when the S U C C was too good
Sister of who’s thorn?
Chaos Warrior is Extremely Horny
What's going on down there One-Eye?
"Love on The Reik: A Grudge Settled" - alternate ending
I ask not forgiveness, for I know there is none...
Here, have some slightly cursed images
After seeing this, he will surely think higher of Catrinne's
When did Saltzpyre become a c*mguzzler?
That Moment when you have Taal's Twined Arrow and you miss your
B[o]ga - Warning, lewd Dawi in[c]oming
Sienna must be kerillians old flame
Harder daddy hook
i hate illusions on cata pubs
Cruel gang of Rat Ogres has their way with innocent warrior priest.
Vibing when disaster strikes
Beats to SLAY rats (and others) to
[Spoiler] So, about this new Boss ...
He really likes sigmar...