videos / UKFreakouts

UKFreakouts vid #3232154 Never punch a guy in the D and expect him to be calm about it.

Never punch a guy in the D and expect him to be calm about it.

UKFreakouts vid #3080921 The day Danny learnt that fighting requires more training than

The day Danny learnt that fighting requires more training than

UKFreakouts vid #3234633 Drunk Nobhead gets manhandled by bouncers while random kids with

Drunk Nobhead gets manhandled by bouncers while random kids with

UKFreakouts vid #3424629 Fox hunters chasing saboteurs away by beating their van with

Fox hunters chasing saboteurs away by beating their van with

UKFreakouts vid #3424653 Weird bloke caught pissing on a families garden gate is coached

Weird bloke caught pissing on a families garden gate is coached

UKFreakouts vid #4097833 Guy wails after being beaten for hitting woman

Guy wails after being beaten for hitting woman

UKFreakouts vid #10213435 Why do chavs have such brittle bones?

Why do chavs have such brittle bones?

UKFreakouts vid #3441021 Traveller brawl. As anger rises, more people remove their clothes.

Traveller brawl. As anger rises, more people remove their clothes.

UKFreakouts vid #3418736 Violent scrap outside a nightclub

Violent scrap outside a nightclub

UKFreakouts vid #2679473 UK Prison Riot

UK Prison Riot

UKFreakouts vid #3300151 Cop gives it the beans and nearly brains a 15 year old kid.

Cop gives it the beans and nearly brains a 15 year old kid.

UKFreakouts vid #4412357 GTA Birmingham

GTA Birmingham

UKFreakouts vid #3741662 The Swedish suicide twins

The Swedish suicide twins

UKFreakouts vid #3741598 Mentally ill teen is apprehended in Essex.

Mentally ill teen is apprehended in Essex.

UKFreakouts vid #3300209 Lone builder interrupts a Jewellery store heist and gets stabbed

Lone builder interrupts a Jewellery store heist and gets stabbed

UKFreakouts vid #3488938 Bus driver films a strange fight that features a crippled man

Bus driver films a strange fight that features a crippled man

UKFreakouts vid #3404767 Bit of Essex Bants at the driving range.

Bit of Essex Bants at the driving range.

UKFreakouts vid #3405151 Glaswegian woman is a few pears short of a bushel

Glaswegian woman is a few pears short of a bushel

UKFreakouts vid #3404615 Some thugs film themselves ransacking someone's house.

Some thugs film themselves ransacking someone's house.