videos / StrictlyWounded

StrictlyWounded vid #23488128 Hopefully something that can help you guys if you don't have

Hopefully something that can help you guys if you don't have

StrictlyWounded vid #23700011 cutting video

cutting video

StrictlyWounded vid #23291739 Why did this flowing so much blood

Why did this flowing so much blood

StrictlyWounded vid #23512832 first time having a cut spurt blood

first time having a cut spurt blood

StrictlyWounded vid #22940609 om nom nom

om nom nom

StrictlyWounded vid #23634248 Cutting vid from Jan 23rd

Cutting vid from Jan 23rd

StrictlyWounded vid #23655508 what the heck is THAT

what the heck is THAT

StrictlyWounded vid #23550272 Carving


StrictlyWounded vid #23119210 first time beans? (aftercare help)

first time beans? (aftercare help)

StrictlyWounded vid #23176984 a compilation of some of my cuts (i know i'm pathetic)

a compilation of some of my cuts (i know i'm pathetic)

StrictlyWounded vid #23586600 Ugh


StrictlyWounded vid #23601307 Please help me

Please help me

StrictlyWounded vid #23646525 TW: First deeper cut

TW: First deeper cut

StrictlyWounded vid #22929195 live streamed a session

live streamed a session

StrictlyWounded vid #21888717 TW video of cutting

TW video of cutting

StrictlyWounded vid #22923270 Still doesn’t feel valid because of scar tissue pushing wound

Still doesn’t feel valid because of scar tissue pushing wound

StrictlyWounded vid #22982252 baby beans

baby beans

StrictlyWounded vid #23587867 Wasn't satisfied with the last one was so I made these :/

Wasn't satisfied with the last one was so I made these :/

StrictlyWounded vid #22853189 i'm disappointed of myself

i'm disappointed of myself

StrictlyWounded vid #23487205 Vein?


StrictlyWounded vid #23622997 Is that a vain or an artery?

Is that a vain or an artery?

StrictlyWounded vid #22351987 Going digging

Going digging

StrictlyWounded vid #22237910 i forgot how much thighs hurt

i forgot how much thighs hurt

StrictlyWounded vid #23690761 I just can't stop

I just can't stop

StrictlyWounded vid #21921114 hit an arteriole

hit an arteriole

StrictlyWounded vid #22351177 ik it's not very good but I like the burn

ik it's not very good but I like the burn

StrictlyWounded vid #23550178 Vid with a little pulse

Vid with a little pulse

StrictlyWounded vid #22834919 Family sucks guys :(

Family sucks guys :(

StrictlyWounded vid #22988226 Relapsed


StrictlyWounded vid #23630796 Update 16hrs later approx

Update 16hrs later approx

StrictlyWounded vid #22214649 yum


StrictlyWounded vid #22400777 even more light styros because i hated yesterday

even more light styros because i hated yesterday

StrictlyWounded vid #23282764 Going over a healed cut

Going over a healed cut

StrictlyWounded vid #23412155 Scrumdillyyumyunapurrpurr/s (i went deeper)

Scrumdillyyumyunapurrpurr/s (i went deeper)

StrictlyWounded vid #23542799 video


StrictlyWounded vid #20749453 my messiest session

my messiest session

StrictlyWounded vid #22155606 teaching the new born how to speak

teaching the new born how to speak

StrictlyWounded vid #22363431 Light styro (I have to put the pic I have in separate post)

Light styro (I have to put the pic I have in separate post)

StrictlyWounded vid #23638985 Rough cut but hey, it had a pulse. Goodnight all

Rough cut but hey, it had a pulse. Goodnight all

StrictlyWounded vid #21929340 My first time cutting in school Tw:video

My first time cutting in school Tw:video

StrictlyWounded vid #22034753 Styro


StrictlyWounded vid #22994648 My cuts

My cuts

StrictlyWounded vid #21198372 styro


StrictlyWounded vid #21198399 blood


StrictlyWounded vid #21785403 👾


StrictlyWounded vid #22994194 My cut

My cut

StrictlyWounded vid #21132006 I might've hit fascia with both of these. oops

I might've hit fascia with both of these. oops

StrictlyWounded vid #21821889 ripping the bandage off your scars if more painful than cutting

ripping the bandage off your scars if more painful than cutting