videos / NataliasDumpster

NataliasDumpster vid #28076733 Here you go

Here you go

NataliasDumpster vid #24459148 Daniela you're a lying, scamming bitch.  Jeezuz.

Daniela you're a lying, scamming bitch. Jeezuz.

NataliasDumpster vid #26202946 I have never laughed so hard in my life

I have never laughed so hard in my life

NataliasDumpster vid #24662629 Here’s ur proof Joseph 🤭

Here’s ur proof Joseph 🤭

NataliasDumpster vid #38016088 Nat takes a trip to the bathroom on live and doesn’t mute in

Nat takes a trip to the bathroom on live and doesn’t mute in

NataliasDumpster vid #24452585 Incase anyone missed it

Incase anyone missed it

NataliasDumpster vid #24397652 9 minutes of Natalia trolling Kimmi and Wendy in Eris’ live

9 minutes of Natalia trolling Kimmi and Wendy in Eris’ live

NataliasDumpster vid #24595675 You can bet your ass I just called 311 to do an Animal Check

You can bet your ass I just called 311 to do an Animal Check

NataliasDumpster vid #27064585 At this point I don’t know who I despise more 😭 Val, you

At this point I don’t know who I despise more 😭 Val, you

NataliasDumpster vid #23791607 Greg and Nat going back and forth….crazy tea…… 👀

Greg and Nat going back and forth….crazy tea…… 👀

NataliasDumpster vid #22882299 I'm hesitant to post this, but I feel it's important.

I'm hesitant to post this, but I feel it's important.

NataliasDumpster vid #24628236 "Fuck awwwf!"

"Fuck awwwf!"

NataliasDumpster vid #25501595 Greg tells us we are are losers basically 😆

Greg tells us we are are losers basically 😆

NataliasDumpster vid #24630851 Holy shit...

Holy shit...

NataliasDumpster vid #22029461 I cannot even imagine letting a young child watch this drama,

I cannot even imagine letting a young child watch this drama,

NataliasDumpster vid #22909033 If you were watching this, you know why I stopped recording when

If you were watching this, you know why I stopped recording when

NataliasDumpster vid #24351885 Let's recap shall we?  If she doesn't get gifts, she leaves.

Let's recap shall we? If she doesn't get gifts, she leaves.

NataliasDumpster vid #27443640 Gnat saying the r slur and  gaslighting her audience about it

Gnat saying the r slur and gaslighting her audience about it

NataliasDumpster vid #24886272 A Snapchat page talking about the Chelsea that Joseph was going

A Snapchat page talking about the Chelsea that Joseph was going

NataliasDumpster vid #25503751 Greg’s loosing it - strong language

Greg’s loosing it - strong language

NataliasDumpster vid #25976541 What. The. Fuck is this?

What. The. Fuck is this?

NataliasDumpster vid #34783266 Violent and graphic content thanks to nat

Violent and graphic content thanks to nat

NataliasDumpster vid #24685843 I think its trying to say "Fuck off"

I think its trying to say "Fuck off"

NataliasDumpster vid #25503442 Holy hell. This was by far the hardest thing to watch from Greg.

Holy hell. This was by far the hardest thing to watch from Greg.

NataliasDumpster vid #31493808 Atleast she used to admit it

Atleast she used to admit it

NataliasDumpster vid #38703344 Damn Nat...

Damn Nat...

NataliasDumpster vid #22711564 🚮


NataliasDumpster vid #22971494 Well isn't he just a charming little feller?! If you haven't

Well isn't he just a charming little feller?! If you haven't

NataliasDumpster vid #23695373 Yes, Natalia.. You're a loser.

Yes, Natalia.. You're a loser.

NataliasDumpster vid #24162261 enjoy


NataliasDumpster vid #24666741 I can't believe you have the nerve to discuss money on a Live

I can't believe you have the nerve to discuss money on a Live

NataliasDumpster vid #22705540 Life's goals I guess.

Life's goals I guess.

NataliasDumpster vid #23813561 I was waiting for her to say this..

I was waiting for her to say this..

NataliasDumpster vid #24231889 The ONLY thing that matters in this entire episode of Scam Tok

The ONLY thing that matters in this entire episode of Scam Tok

NataliasDumpster vid #27027437 Vali can you show your lawyer this. No one gives a flying fuck

Vali can you show your lawyer this. No one gives a flying fuck

NataliasDumpster vid #21689122 As Requested: T/Kelsey

As Requested: T/Kelsey

NataliasDumpster vid #23751642 Don't worry Natalia, we can't stand you either.

Don't worry Natalia, we can't stand you either.

NataliasDumpster vid #23934216 Yuck 🤮 😆...he's just so gross 😝

Yuck 🤮 😆...he's just so gross 😝

NataliasDumpster vid #24752359 Come on 🤢

Come on 🤢

NataliasDumpster vid #25099042 What a pathetic human

What a pathetic human

NataliasDumpster vid #26111913 The fucking music. PLEASE😂😂😭💀

The fucking music. PLEASE😂😂😭💀

NataliasDumpster vid #22701980 This is the strangest interaction I've ever seen on TikTok.

This is the strangest interaction I've ever seen on TikTok.

NataliasDumpster vid #24264739 No Words…

No Words…



NataliasDumpster vid #21929678 It's spelled S-L-U-T, right?

It's spelled S-L-U-T, right?

NataliasDumpster vid #21973996 They can't stop talking about Sara. Nat comes in at the end.

They can't stop talking about Sara. Nat comes in at the end.

NataliasDumpster vid #22011938 ⚠️ Explicit Language from a 'good person'

⚠️ Explicit Language from a 'good person'

NataliasDumpster vid #37755270 Jess VS Greg

Jess VS Greg