videos / NSFL__

NSFL__ vid #38873067 Man cuts artery on broken glass panel and bleeds out

Man cuts artery on broken glass panel and bleeds out

NSFL__ vid #7694711 Footage Of The "Bungee Jump" Incident In Kazakhstan

Footage Of The "Bungee Jump" Incident In Kazakhstan

NSFL__ vid #40207183 Bull destroys man's face

Bull destroys man's face

NSFL__ vid #19761638 Motorcycle Accident in Brazil that happened a few days ago

Motorcycle Accident in Brazil that happened a few days ago

NSFL__ vid #22721544 Bus kills 5 pedestrians

Bus kills 5 pedestrians

NSFL__ vid #24402902 Drunk driver hits and kills pedestrian sitting on the sidewalk

Drunk driver hits and kills pedestrian sitting on the sidewalk

NSFL__ vid #22935569 Guy finds his dead wife after car crash

Guy finds his dead wife after car crash

NSFL__ vid #25496802 Three workers dead following coal mine accident in China

Three workers dead following coal mine accident in China

NSFL__ vid #22575059 Man murders his friend with machete

Man murders his friend with machete

NSFL__ vid #26209736 Huge gout stone removal from foot

Huge gout stone removal from foot

NSFL__ vid #20422068 A pool of blood forms on the floor.

A pool of blood forms on the floor.

NSFL__ vid #20495190 Why you don't bring a baseball bat to a gun fight

Why you don't bring a baseball bat to a gun fight

NSFL__ vid #38615194 Homeless man with something inside his head

Homeless man with something inside his head

NSFL__ vid #22127987 Man takes viagra to have sex with a pig, suffers a heart attack

Man takes viagra to have sex with a pig, suffers a heart attack

NSFL__ vid #19012635 Worker knocked Into tire shredder

Worker knocked Into tire shredder

NSFL__ vid #24190855 Biker dies after being hit by an ambulance

Biker dies after being hit by an ambulance

NSFL__ vid #6871024 Man Survives Suicide Attempt With Shotgun

Man Survives Suicide Attempt With Shotgun

NSFL__ vid #16427656 Smoke shop owner stabs robber

Smoke shop owner stabs robber

NSFL__ vid #37986107 Injured leg

Injured leg

NSFL__ vid #15290685 Hit and run in Chicago. 3 dead, 1 injured.

Hit and run in Chicago. 3 dead, 1 injured.

NSFL__ vid #38225902 3 friends drown while playing in pond [india]

3 friends drown while playing in pond [india]

NSFL__ vid #16481955 Thailand: Biker Explodes in Flames After Being Hit by Ambulance

Thailand: Biker Explodes in Flames After Being Hit by Ambulance

NSFL__ vid #22738281 Welder repairing truck dies after explosion

Welder repairing truck dies after explosion

NSFL__ vid #22933116 Operator tries to stop truck with crane from tipping over

Operator tries to stop truck with crane from tipping over

NSFL__ vid #24222667 Biker dies after being struck by a train

Biker dies after being struck by a train

NSFL__ vid #20743009 Man cut in half still alive after being hit by a train

Man cut in half still alive after being hit by a train

NSFL__ vid #39908968 Woman gets hit by a thunderbolt and dies

Woman gets hit by a thunderbolt and dies

NSFL__ vid #24108279 Textile factory worker gets electrocuted to death

Textile factory worker gets electrocuted to death

NSFL__ vid #18916329 Lebanese Man Asks For Forgiveness Before Jumping From A 7th Floor

Lebanese Man Asks For Forgiveness Before Jumping From A 7th Floor

NSFL__ vid #40564386 Man cracks his skull on concrete pole and dies

Man cracks his skull on concrete pole and dies

NSFL__ vid #24549341 Corpse of a man allegedly attacked to death by 3 pitbulls

Corpse of a man allegedly attacked to death by 3 pitbulls

NSFL__ vid #23063839 Woman crushed by fuel truck

Woman crushed by fuel truck

NSFL__ vid #8299142 Hero off-duty Baltimore cop kills gunman who fatally shot barber

Hero off-duty Baltimore cop kills gunman who fatally shot barber

NSFL__ vid #38108350 Bleeding out

Bleeding out

NSFL__ vid #22977079 Face/off


NSFL__ vid #22630120 Untangling the body after an industrial accident

Untangling the body after an industrial accident

NSFL__ vid #38806888 Brain damaged after crashing

Brain damaged after crashing

NSFL__ vid #39960635 Woman suffers sudden cardiac arrest and dies

Woman suffers sudden cardiac arrest and dies

NSFL__ vid #22557405 Mexican police commander and his bodyguard riddled with bullets

Mexican police commander and his bodyguard riddled with bullets

NSFL__ vid #20932882 Girl lights her face on fire sparking joint

Girl lights her face on fire sparking joint

NSFL__ vid #21913588 CJNG Sicarios behead 5 rivals simultaneously

CJNG Sicarios behead 5 rivals simultaneously

NSFL__ vid #23303027 Ukranian squad hit by russian mortar shell while trying to evacuate

Ukranian squad hit by russian mortar shell while trying to evacuate

NSFL__ vid #6886936 Hostage Burned Alive In Cage

Hostage Burned Alive In Cage

NSFL__ vid #38226465 Old man killed by heavy load

Old man killed by heavy load

NSFL__ vid #5024449 Ricardo Cerna kills himself while waiting to be interrogated

Ricardo Cerna kills himself while waiting to be interrogated

NSFL__ vid #22084025 Biker dies after being hit by train while trying to cross a railway

Biker dies after being hit by train while trying to cross a railway

NSFL__ vid #38735726 Worker gets spun in machine

Worker gets spun in machine

NSFL__ vid #37922548 Thief tried to invade a home but ended up slipping on the gate

Thief tried to invade a home but ended up slipping on the gate