videos / NSFL__

NSFL__ vid #23445597 Drunk man dies after getting stuck between train and platform

Drunk man dies after getting stuck between train and platform

NSFL__ vid #40264979 Singer dies on stage

Singer dies on stage

NSFL__ vid #19381425 Internal car camera footage of deadly crash

Internal car camera footage of deadly crash

NSFL__ vid #24856042 Man with his face open due to a gunshot

Man with his face open due to a gunshot

NSFL__ vid #22897369 Truck tire explodes, sending fragments onto the road and killing

Truck tire explodes, sending fragments onto the road and killing

NSFL__ vid #40326384 Heart still beating

Heart still beating

NSFL__ vid #24656038 Man with serious injury after being hit by a boat propeller

Man with serious injury after being hit by a boat propeller

NSFL__ vid #5053741 Poor girl fell whilst playing on ledge of multi-storey building.

Poor girl fell whilst playing on ledge of multi-storey building.

NSFL__ vid #24277165 Crazy camel beats a guard to death

Crazy camel beats a guard to death

NSFL__ vid #25257949 Stay away from moving trains.

Stay away from moving trains.

NSFL__ vid #8011583 AAA worker struck and killed after changing a tire on I-70 in

AAA worker struck and killed after changing a tire on I-70 in

NSFL__ vid #16146178 Man shoots guy who sucker punched him. See comment for original

Man shoots guy who sucker punched him. See comment for original

NSFL__ vid #40865575 Mans face cut in half from cerol string

Mans face cut in half from cerol string

NSFL__ vid #9007128 ISIS Execution By Drowning. Happy New Year Guys :D

ISIS Execution By Drowning. Happy New Year Guys :D

NSFL__ vid #40438469 Slaughterhouse worker killed by cow

Slaughterhouse worker killed by cow

NSFL__ vid #8498888 Man committed suicide in a shooting range in Novosibirsk

Man committed suicide in a shooting range in Novosibirsk

NSFL__ vid #20516989 Father gave his life to shield his son during the Turkey/Syria

Father gave his life to shield his son during the Turkey/Syria

NSFL__ vid #21418789 Man falls into pot of boiling water

Man falls into pot of boiling water

NSFL__ vid #19534568 Motorcyclist loses his life in a terrible accident

Motorcyclist loses his life in a terrible accident

NSFL__ vid #37784999 Worker gets caught in machine

Worker gets caught in machine

NSFL__ vid #24276760 Woman killed after boyfriend loses control, crashing into truck

Woman killed after boyfriend loses control, crashing into truck

NSFL__ vid #22614368 Body hanging from car after getting hit by train

Body hanging from car after getting hit by train

NSFL__ vid #23803246 Fully Open arm

Fully Open arm

NSFL__ vid #22932412 Bull takes a chunk out of this guys face

Bull takes a chunk out of this guys face

NSFL__ vid #21953582 Man critically injured after being run over while trying to film

Man critically injured after being run over while trying to film

NSFL__ vid #23035042 Accident in Brazil leaves a mother and her son dead

Accident in Brazil leaves a mother and her son dead

NSFL__ vid #6917707 Soldier Gets Shot To Death, Meanwhile Battle Buddy Is Sitting

Soldier Gets Shot To Death, Meanwhile Battle Buddy Is Sitting

NSFL__ vid #22727243 Rat caught nibbling on corpse

Rat caught nibbling on corpse

NSFL__ vid #40800380 Entertainer dressed as Santa Claus dies after rope breaks

Entertainer dressed as Santa Claus dies after rope breaks

NSFL__ vid #21312699 Brazilian criminal accidentally stabs himself during robbery

Brazilian criminal accidentally stabs himself during robbery

NSFL__ vid #22424453 Worker gets shredded by lathe machine

Worker gets shredded by lathe machine

NSFL__ vid #21486261 Woman is murdered with a knife when complaining after being catcalled

Woman is murdered with a knife when complaining after being catcalled

NSFL__ vid #23132397 A ball boy was murdered in Brazil after a discussion with fans

A ball boy was murdered in Brazil after a discussion with fans

NSFL__ vid #23912904 Man dies after being hit by a truck while crossing the street

Man dies after being hit by a truck while crossing the street

NSFL__ vid #14937052 Man falls into pot of boiling water

Man falls into pot of boiling water

NSFL__ vid #21374269 Floor falls through at house party

Floor falls through at house party

NSFL__ vid #22519574 Man murders his ex-wife after she refuses to go back to him

Man murders his ex-wife after she refuses to go back to him

NSFL__ vid #24620717 Eletrician electrocuted while repairing power lines

Eletrician electrocuted while repairing power lines

NSFL__ vid #24549540 Woman dies after being hit by bus

Woman dies after being hit by bus

NSFL__ vid #22841338 Somehow this person is still alive

Somehow this person is still alive

NSFL__ vid #24513776 A car stops in the middle of the highway, and the driver is killed.

A car stops in the middle of the highway, and the driver is killed.

NSFL__ vid #39520368 Man in a wheelchair attempted to cross the street but was crushed

Man in a wheelchair attempted to cross the street but was crushed

NSFL__ vid #39463499 Lost balance and died

Lost balance and died

NSFL__ vid #40515342 Bodybuilder suffers heart attack and dies

Bodybuilder suffers heart attack and dies

NSFL__ vid #22272657 Man attacks his wife and mother-in-law with a very blunt machete

Man attacks his wife and mother-in-law with a very blunt machete

NSFL__ vid #38674212 Man caught in machine

Man caught in machine

NSFL__ vid #16698769 Man grabs electric power line and is electrocuted to death. (Unable

Man grabs electric power line and is electrocuted to death. (Unable

NSFL__ vid #22640119 Man dies after father sets him on fire over financial dispute

Man dies after father sets him on fire over financial dispute