videos / LearningFromOthers

LearningFromOthers vid #22376136 Woman tries running through train tracks, trips, gets ran over

Woman tries running through train tracks, trips, gets ran over

LearningFromOthers vid #22374861 I have no word for this yo

I have no word for this yo

LearningFromOthers vid #37898633 Taoist medium accidentally steams himself to death inside boiling

Taoist medium accidentally steams himself to death inside boiling

LearningFromOthers vid #39745350 Birth control: Condom $1, 9mm round $0.71, this video…

Birth control: Condom $1, 9mm round $0.71, this video…

LearningFromOthers vid #37574645 Sadly…no fire escape was available): Bless her soul.

Sadly…no fire escape was available): Bless her soul.

LearningFromOthers vid #37681663 Man fatally crashes while livestreaming from his car

Man fatally crashes while livestreaming from his car

LearningFromOthers vid #37681549 Man chokes to death on his food. Scary how quick it can happen

Man chokes to death on his food. Scary how quick it can happen

LearningFromOthers vid #37736519 Bull slices open a mans belly (graphic)

Bull slices open a mans belly (graphic)

LearningFromOthers vid #39670498 Joyride gone wrong. At least they had helmets

Joyride gone wrong. At least they had helmets

LearningFromOthers vid #37958682 Road worker gets flattened by a steamroller in Uganda

Road worker gets flattened by a steamroller in Uganda

LearningFromOthers vid #39512424 Fucked around and found out...

Fucked around and found out...

LearningFromOthers vid #37842588 Man crushed in work accident. Colleague seems to forget the thing

Man crushed in work accident. Colleague seems to forget the thing

LearningFromOthers vid #37901793 Professional bulltorturer Victor Barrio fatally gored on live

Professional bulltorturer Victor Barrio fatally gored on live

LearningFromOthers vid #37779331 Elderly man is crushed after stepping behind reversing truck

Elderly man is crushed after stepping behind reversing truck

LearningFromOthers vid #37901127 Woman accidentally hits the gas pedal and runs over husband after

Woman accidentally hits the gas pedal and runs over husband after

LearningFromOthers vid #37842658 How not to handle someone who just suffered major head trauma

How not to handle someone who just suffered major head trauma

LearningFromOthers vid #37736459 Female spectator struck at Indian "Wall of Death" attraction.

Female spectator struck at Indian "Wall of Death" attraction.

LearningFromOthers vid #22397058 Truck hit by tank round during Libyan civil war

Truck hit by tank round during Libyan civil war

LearningFromOthers vid #37681742 Man is injured and drowns in bridge jump gone wrong

Man is injured and drowns in bridge jump gone wrong

LearningFromOthers vid #37773650 I don't even know with these train videos anymore. This had to

I don't even know with these train videos anymore. This had to

LearningFromOthers vid #38801266 Feminist students from high school jump professor accused of

Feminist students from high school jump professor accused of

LearningFromOthers vid #37958350 Man is assaulted by two men, but gets saved by his friend who

Man is assaulted by two men, but gets saved by his friend who

LearningFromOthers vid #37737470 Woman killed while unloading a truck...but absolutely not in

Woman killed while unloading a truck...but absolutely not in

LearningFromOthers vid #36820008 Don't put compressed air into your coworker's bottom

Don't put compressed air into your coworker's bottom

LearningFromOthers vid #33224443 Woman held hostage pulls a brilliant move and pretends to pass

Woman held hostage pulls a brilliant move and pretends to pass

LearningFromOthers vid #37842711 Man has his head crushed in a lift

Man has his head crushed in a lift

LearningFromOthers vid #37958868 Thief gets his karma while stealing items from an apartment

Thief gets his karma while stealing items from an apartment

LearningFromOthers vid #37681599 Biker tries to navigate around a rock and falls off cliff

Biker tries to navigate around a rock and falls off cliff

LearningFromOthers vid #37901372 Worker welds a barrel containing a flammable substance that explodes

Worker welds a barrel containing a flammable substance that explodes

LearningFromOthers vid #22464556 Skydiver dies after hard landing on the beach

Skydiver dies after hard landing on the beach

LearningFromOthers vid #21577367 Sad tragedy of work incident (0:50 electrocuted)

Sad tragedy of work incident (0:50 electrocuted)

LearningFromOthers vid #37843276 Armed thief overstays his welcome. Gets served a heaping dose

Armed thief overstays his welcome. Gets served a heaping dose

LearningFromOthers vid #22776855 A10 strafe on a militant riding a motorcycle (not sure on date

A10 strafe on a militant riding a motorcycle (not sure on date

LearningFromOthers vid #38663733 Motorcyclist Smashes Into Semi Making A Right Turn, Gets Head

Motorcyclist Smashes Into Semi Making A Right Turn, Gets Head

LearningFromOthers vid #41109323 Just this one, mods please..

Just this one, mods please..

LearningFromOthers vid #39414835 The driver suffered serious injuries

The driver suffered serious injuries

LearningFromOthers vid #37736913 If you ever find yourself running from the law, maybe don't pick

If you ever find yourself running from the law, maybe don't pick

LearningFromOthers vid #38464528 Man asks friends to shoot him with pellet gun

Man asks friends to shoot him with pellet gun

LearningFromOthers vid #22506594 Man loses a finger to baby shark

Man loses a finger to baby shark

LearningFromOthers vid #37779562 Life protip: don’t walk towards the guy threatening you with

Life protip: don’t walk towards the guy threatening you with

LearningFromOthers vid #37313399 Woman chokes to death during cake eating contest in Moscow

Woman chokes to death during cake eating contest in Moscow

LearningFromOthers vid #22376297 Man dies after touching fan

Man dies after touching fan

LearningFromOthers vid #37959100 Fast acting woman stops robbery attempt in Mexico

Fast acting woman stops robbery attempt in Mexico

LearningFromOthers vid #22676648 Active shooter situation at a condo. Luckily nobody died besides

Active shooter situation at a condo. Luckily nobody died besides

LearningFromOthers vid #22374577 Man pat guy to sleep peacefully for bullying his brother

Man pat guy to sleep peacefully for bullying his brother

LearningFromOthers vid #31920325 In India, trains are apex predators

In India, trains are apex predators

LearningFromOthers vid #37958584 Man loses hand after being attacked with a machete

Man loses hand after being attacked with a machete

LearningFromOthers vid #22376585 Woman recklessly crossed road got hit by a car

Woman recklessly crossed road got hit by a car