videos / KUWTKsnark

KUWTKsnark vid #17564069 her workout to fit into Marilyn’s dress…LMFAO I CANT

her workout to fit into Marilyn’s dress…LMFAO I CANT

KUWTKsnark vid #21632440 Hailey’s yacht girl self promo 👀 y’all ever seen this?

Hailey’s yacht girl self promo 👀 y’all ever seen this?

KUWTKsnark vid #17346893 kylie and Stas in a relationship

kylie and Stas in a relationship

KUWTKsnark vid #24947245 Yuck.


KUWTKsnark vid #18224815 Julia Fox on the Balenciaga scandal

Julia Fox on the Balenciaga scandal

KUWTKsnark vid #16362140 WTF is Stass doing? This is nasty

WTF is Stass doing? This is nasty

KUWTKsnark vid #26321280 I have no words….

I have no words….

KUWTKsnark vid #17554933 It’s this edgy high school girls thing they do when they talk

It’s this edgy high school girls thing they do when they talk

KUWTKsnark vid #24645423 Was the guy in blue doing coke?

Was the guy in blue doing coke?

KUWTKsnark vid #25193383 I wonder if this has ever happened to the KarJenners?

I wonder if this has ever happened to the KarJenners?

KUWTKsnark vid #19368529 nothing wrong here but I wonder if Kim thinks about the irony

nothing wrong here but I wonder if Kim thinks about the irony

KUWTKsnark vid #12311316 Pete missing ANOTHER week of SNL

Pete missing ANOTHER week of SNL

KUWTKsnark vid #18445020 what do you guys think?

what do you guys think?

KUWTKsnark vid #24947279 Classy.


KUWTKsnark vid #19731248 Cardi B states she got a list of surgeons from Kim K ☕️

Cardi B states she got a list of surgeons from Kim K ☕️

KUWTKsnark vid #15331560 ummmm fr like is she ok 😅💀 this vid made me so uncomfortable

ummmm fr like is she ok 😅💀 this vid made me so uncomfortable

KUWTKsnark vid #17411360 throwback for halloween… i remember being obsessed with this

throwback for halloween… i remember being obsessed with this

KUWTKsnark vid #39656253 me, scrolling the daily mail [april 2017]

me, scrolling the daily mail [april 2017]

KUWTKsnark vid #19083441 The desperation tho! wonder what PMK paid to get the dress 💰

The desperation tho! wonder what PMK paid to get the dress 💰

KUWTKsnark vid #27161100 This video explains their dynamic so much

This video explains their dynamic so much

KUWTKsnark vid #21097043 Big hands Kim

Big hands Kim

KUWTKsnark vid #17329155 Kravis 1.0 analysis part 3

Kravis 1.0 analysis part 3

KUWTKsnark vid #12846956 Kim fans getting downvoted on Reddit

Kim fans getting downvoted on Reddit

KUWTKsnark vid #24985968 Oh look, it’s the mean girls.

Oh look, it’s the mean girls.

KUWTKsnark vid #12439867 The truth about Dolce and Gabbana (and the Kardashian Jenners

The truth about Dolce and Gabbana (and the Kardashian Jenners

KUWTKsnark vid #15252509 STOP THE DUCK FACE - it’s literally satire at this point right?

STOP THE DUCK FACE - it’s literally satire at this point right?

KUWTKsnark vid #16383213 Ro listening to Travis Scott & a messy note post👀

Ro listening to Travis Scott & a messy note post👀

KUWTKsnark vid #16559913 Im not understanding Kims D&G Collection

Im not understanding Kims D&G Collection

KUWTKsnark vid #22193364 kylie’s new tik tok

kylie’s new tik tok

KUWTKsnark vid #17328390 Looks like Blac Chyna has tried to kidnap another woman

Looks like Blac Chyna has tried to kidnap another woman

KUWTKsnark vid #27119651 WAT


KUWTKsnark vid #17445139 Kylie's new TikTok

Kylie's new TikTok

KUWTKsnark vid #11482545 TW: Rob’s sisters bragging about touching him inappropriately

TW: Rob’s sisters bragging about touching him inappropriately

KUWTKsnark vid #22148471 Does the S'Leaks ad in Girls5Eva make anyone else think of Kimbecile

Does the S'Leaks ad in Girls5Eva make anyone else think of Kimbecile

KUWTKsnark vid #18742719 guys, didn't know kimmy had a statue done for her

guys, didn't know kimmy had a statue done for her

KUWTKsnark vid #18721916 Rojean on IG stories. Those lips are ridiculous. Do people really

Rojean on IG stories. Those lips are ridiculous. Do people really

KUWTKsnark vid #20952962 Kimothy the extraterrestrial 👽

Kimothy the extraterrestrial 👽

KUWTKsnark vid #13513254 Travis Scott’s insta story today… 😵‍💫

Travis Scott’s insta story today… 😵‍💫

KUWTKsnark vid #21473281 Kelsey Cook's new standup-Kar/Jenner joke😂

Kelsey Cook's new standup-Kar/Jenner joke😂

KUWTKsnark vid #17468111 Kjcu


KUWTKsnark vid #23809719 Um... Is this tea, Josh Richards??

Um... Is this tea, Josh Richards??

KUWTKsnark vid #33526279 Kourtney’s Vag steams

Kourtney’s Vag steams

KUWTKsnark vid #12959808 Great Fucking Description. No wonder she’s a “billionaire”.

Great Fucking Description. No wonder she’s a “billionaire”.

KUWTKsnark vid #26083929 Kandle and friends working hard.

Kandle and friends working hard.

KUWTKsnark vid #15216781 Bet this sub never knew this exist. I’ve always thought they’re

Bet this sub never knew this exist. I’ve always thought they’re

KUWTKsnark vid #37961289 Clap back even though it’s true!👏

Clap back even though it’s true!👏

KUWTKsnark vid #11402113 Is there something wrong with Foodguy’s eye or is it just me

Is there something wrong with Foodguy’s eye or is it just me

KUWTKsnark vid #11829329 Pete “explains” the Tan. He is NOT Funny 🤮🤢

Pete “explains” the Tan. He is NOT Funny 🤮🤢