videos / JessetcSubmissions

JessetcSubmissions vid #11326747 I added a nuke 50 upvotes for working landing gears

I added a nuke 50 upvotes for working landing gears

JessetcSubmissions vid #6637838 Katapult


JessetcSubmissions vid #5404400 Hai Jesse do you want to know how to make this you can message

Hai Jesse do you want to know how to make this you can message

JessetcSubmissions vid #6431076 EPIC GAMER MOVIE TRAILER?!


JessetcSubmissions vid #5704792 Working robot-like samurai suit (working animations)

Working robot-like samurai suit (working animations)

JessetcSubmissions vid #5804352 Super Glitch!

Super Glitch!

JessetcSubmissions vid #6202465 Giant mech that mimics my character (still working on it pls

Giant mech that mimics my character (still working on it pls

JessetcSubmissions vid #6424650 Seven uploads and then I will make this

Seven uploads and then I will make this

JessetcSubmissions vid #5707723 niko niko neee

niko niko neee

JessetcSubmissions vid #6102001 I guess Jesse Likes to play Flappy bird

I guess Jesse Likes to play Flappy bird

JessetcSubmissions vid #6337722 Pls dont remove this:(

Pls dont remove this:(

JessetcSubmissions vid #6339196 I made a spike trail it’s very easy to make

I made a spike trail it’s very easy to make

JessetcSubmissions vid #6383660 The tricky car I made in build a boat and this my first post

The tricky car I made in build a boat and this my first post

JessetcSubmissions vid #6395788 WATCH IT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

WATCH IT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

JessetcSubmissions vid #6437297 Does this prove I made horrific houseing

Does this prove I made horrific houseing

JessetcSubmissions vid #6527173 Ez end

Ez end

JessetcSubmissions vid #6563692 Remade the build a boat thumbnail please upvote so Jesse can

Remade the build a boat thumbnail please upvote so Jesse can

JessetcSubmissions vid #6581066 Cool fireworks!

Cool fireworks!

JessetcSubmissions vid #6621382 slippery glich(10 Upvotes for tutorial)

slippery glich(10 Upvotes for tutorial)

JessetcSubmissions vid #6633353 Animation 50 up vote for part 2

Animation 50 up vote for part 2

JessetcSubmissions vid #6655215 Bab millitary base MISSLE CAR??

Bab millitary base MISSLE CAR??

JessetcSubmissions vid #6681480 Elevator still working on it

Elevator still working on it

JessetcSubmissions vid #9487187 i was playing with the new tool .....

i was playing with the new tool .....

JessetcSubmissions vid #11007829 My bf mech and airplane airport

My bf mech and airplane airport

JessetcSubmissions vid #30997693 omg whats jesse singing

omg whats jesse singing

JessetcSubmissions vid #5248830 Just a tiny build I made lol

Just a tiny build I made lol

JessetcSubmissions vid #5442831 v


JessetcSubmissions vid #5782413 78 lights( ignored the back round

78 lights( ignored the back round

JessetcSubmissions vid #6342024 Working fling car 30 upvote and I do tutorial on how to make

Working fling car 30 upvote and I do tutorial on how to make

JessetcSubmissions vid #6528362 Hang glider it work very weird but it’s fun it does use jet

Hang glider it work very weird but it’s fun it does use jet