9-year-old girl accidentally kills shooting instructor with Uzi
Army man shoots arm off
Kid forgot Gun was loaded
NSFL Girl accidentally shoots friend in the head on Facebook
36 yo female shoots 42 yo boyfriend for cheating (he survived)
Argument over snow shoveling turns into double homicide
Poolside party
Hides gun in town in the bathroom
Idiots with guns ...
The guy survived if I remember correctly
Cop puts nine bullets in a suspected shoplifting offender in
Infamous police shooting of unarmed and drunk Daniel Shaver 1/18/16,
Idiot warning nsfw
Box of donuts in one hand, cop draws his gun for no reason...
Robber killed by legal gun owner
Guy shoots hand while dual-wielding pistols
This guy must be ex-mafia, right?
Guy gets shot in the cock from friends with a air gun
Guard Shoots Himself While Recording TikTok Video
2 robbers get fucked trying to rob gun store
Cop shoots woman in head by accident
Idiot with...hammer.
Accidentally Shoots A Slug Into His Nephew At A Wedding
Guy “accidentally” shoots his friend while playing around
why would you even give an AR to a child !
Dude shoots buddy on accident
Memphis killing spree shooter live stream
Toddler shoots dad with handgun
Don't know who he thought he'd get out of this
Guy accidentaly shoots gun and tries to play it off
Guard shoot himself, gross negligen e
a guy old enough to know better, gets his friend to shoot him
So cool! Fckin dumbass
12 year old girl accidentally kills her cousin while on Facebook/Ig
Always Look Down the Barrel When Clearing the Jam
Man shoots his finger off then tried to put it back on 💀💀
Girl points gun at boyfriend
Casually killing 5 people on a wedding
Trigger discipline is important, especially when mugging someone
Man shoots himself in head with blank rounds as a “prank”
Celebratory gun fire during wedding ceremony in India went horribly
Dude forgot the fundamentals of firearm safety and put a hole
Indian man kills himself while trying to record a tiktok with
Hotel security guard accidentally shoots receptionist.
Blonde chick gets a gun from inside a cop car
Failed at both parenting and gun safety!
Don't eff around with guns.