Hurts so fucking bad!!!
Severe stage 3. Graphic video. Miserable. 25 years with HS. 2.5
The pain is unbearable
Video for how to inject Humira (please excuse my bathroom wallpaper,
Has anyone ever had a fleshy growth come out of their boil...?
I went to the doctors about possibly having hidradentis, I was
finally have a place to post this sucky flare ups placement (usually
HS Tunnel, am I correct in this diagnosis?
The Dancing Cyst
Was diagnosed with HS a year ago. I’ve had surgery, taken medication,
Buttocks, do I have HS? Don't judge my booty plz
I’m so sick of this ☹️ it’s right in between the roll
Is this HS?
Is this related to hs scarring? I haven’t had a flare in over
Need some coffee creamer?