videos / HadToHurt

HadToHurt vid #1520454 Hong Kong police break a first aider's arm

Hong Kong police break a first aider's arm

HadToHurt vid #995584 What could go wrong

What could go wrong

HadToHurt vid #752306 Woman climbs over barrier at Zoo. JAGUAR MAKES HER PAY

Woman climbs over barrier at Zoo. JAGUAR MAKES HER PAY

HadToHurt vid #1283953 Do this to myself at work today

Do this to myself at work today

HadToHurt vid #623335 A very casual axe attack

A very casual axe attack

HadToHurt vid #827959 Doctors remove kitchen knife from a man's eye

Doctors remove kitchen knife from a man's eye

HadToHurt vid #537388 Cowboy gets severe case of rope burn.

Cowboy gets severe case of rope burn.

HadToHurt vid #14407164 Battling couple fall from third story balcony.

Battling couple fall from third story balcony.

HadToHurt vid #1379808 Getting your shin stuck ?

Getting your shin stuck ?

HadToHurt vid #663848 Don't forget to pick up your garden tools after use

Don't forget to pick up your garden tools after use

HadToHurt vid #533158 Bullet through hand.

Bullet through hand.

HadToHurt vid #109161 Try to kick this out of my hand.

Try to kick this out of my hand.

HadToHurt vid #251972 Hand blown off?

Hand blown off?

HadToHurt vid #204965 Ripped eyelid from shower curtain

Ripped eyelid from shower curtain

HadToHurt vid #1580999 A guy has loses a finger whilst go-karting

A guy has loses a finger whilst go-karting

HadToHurt vid #2575264 The stanky leg gotta hurt NSFW

The stanky leg gotta hurt NSFW

HadToHurt vid #1158 Why do people keep doing this?

Why do people keep doing this?

HadToHurt vid #2810765 [NSFW] Last year today I had a tree fall on me while camping

[NSFW] Last year today I had a tree fall on me while camping

HadToHurt vid #520259 Felt an itch on the back of my tibia... Great first day as a

Felt an itch on the back of my tibia... Great first day as a

HadToHurt vid #1598056 Kicked my shower handle

Kicked my shower handle

HadToHurt vid #532659 Pain in the ass!

Pain in the ass!

HadToHurt vid #194477 Why would he think this was a good idea?

Why would he think this was a good idea?

HadToHurt vid #1525568 He made that cup disappear

He made that cup disappear

HadToHurt vid #675173 Broke elbow while climbing *HARD TO WATCH*

Broke elbow while climbing *HARD TO WATCH*

HadToHurt vid #484870 Mini Excavator 🆚 leg.

Mini Excavator 🆚 leg.

HadToHurt vid #2162090 It's lunch time! For the shark

It's lunch time! For the shark

HadToHurt vid #414530 Why you shouldn’t use too much weight

Why you shouldn’t use too much weight

HadToHurt vid #1401665 One cast, one fish and trip to the ER. Attempted to remove it

One cast, one fish and trip to the ER. Attempted to remove it

HadToHurt vid #1217725 Road Rage Incident

Road Rage Incident

HadToHurt vid #232246 Hey little mama let me whisper in your ear.

Hey little mama let me whisper in your ear.

HadToHurt vid #115669 Cactus Removal

Cactus Removal

HadToHurt vid #426915 Was a gator hunter until I took a hook to the knee

Was a gator hunter until I took a hook to the knee

HadToHurt vid #304003 Pins removed part 2 (Hurt like hell) (NSFW)

Pins removed part 2 (Hurt like hell) (NSFW)

HadToHurt vid #510 My toe after falling off my motorcycle

My toe after falling off my motorcycle

HadToHurt vid #269184 My friend got his pins removed today.

My friend got his pins removed today.

HadToHurt vid #2620679 Oh god. That’s a yikes for me.

Oh god. That’s a yikes for me.

HadToHurt vid #2631257 Just because you can doesn't mean you should

Just because you can doesn't mean you should

HadToHurt vid #27129159 People just don't get it.They are not pets😬 ~S~

People just don't get it.They are not pets😬 ~S~

HadToHurt vid #27386420 Payment for playing wth a shark? 1 pinky finger 😳 ~S~ Caution

Payment for playing wth a shark? 1 pinky finger 😳 ~S~ Caution

HadToHurt vid #27629877 Playing dodge wth a train is never a good idea as this man found

Playing dodge wth a train is never a good idea as this man found

HadToHurt vid #28216071 Dude incinerates his flesh on a stovetop coil

Dude incinerates his flesh on a stovetop coil

HadToHurt vid #28536676 No more jumping into the pool for Felix.

No more jumping into the pool for Felix.

HadToHurt vid #28926397 MMA FIghter suffers unfortunate injury

MMA FIghter suffers unfortunate injury

HadToHurt vid #29295232 Baseball bat on balls

Baseball bat on balls

HadToHurt vid #30512999 When you go for a header in a football match with full force

When you go for a header in a football match with full force

HadToHurt vid #32590191 Little compilation

Little compilation

HadToHurt vid #33921554 Wrecked on my longboard ended with broken nose dislocated shoulder

Wrecked on my longboard ended with broken nose dislocated shoulder

HadToHurt vid #34500832 40 Tasers in 40 Seconds

40 Tasers in 40 Seconds