Genetics enough for bodybuilding?
16yo 7months of training
My 2 year natural transformation. I couldnt do it without watching
Laser eyes, 174cm ,71kg, too much loose skin cuz I was 130kg
I’ve seen a lot of posts on here and wanted to post my physique.
Bulk progress/ Laser eyes?/ 5’8, 176lbs
some poses months out from my natural bodybuilding. About 195
Keep cutting? Maingain?
LMFAO GOOD MORNING 🤣 don’t mind me I took 3 shots of espresso
Caption this..
Been a bit over a year since I deadlifted but got 200kg x7. Chasing
21f - body fat % estimate? Bulk/cut/recomp?
I know I’m fucked but bf%?
19M, 5'9 - Been training for a bit under 5 months while being
Lost 100 lbs keep cutting or bulk?
What do you reckon my body fat percentage is?
Bulk or Cut?? or Recomp?? "Maingain" lol
Sumo problems
18M/70kg/6’1” what bf% am I?
75 hard posing
Any tips on how to improve my physique?
Posing 75 Hard (Day 60)
Body Dysmorphia & Consistancy
Harder than last time
16 yo 8months of training
I want to gain muscles but I think I'm too fat for lean bulk