New John Kennelly video just surfaced.
Happy Lornemas Everyone!
Lorne literally fawks himself
I fucking hate Lorne so much. He deserves to go right back to
More Lorne Rage
When you have to flip through pages very fast
You Saw, Go Grab a Can of Coke
The universe materializes the first primordial being..
NSFW “That’s yours baby, come and get it” NSFW — he’s
one of my favorite moments. “Hello?” 😂
What Lorne Armstrong says cunnilingus sounds like when he does
Chris Hansen Confronts Mister Penis-NSFW
Hilarious and disgusting at the same time 😆🤮
My gf will watch the calls and share funnier parts with me; your
Lamondre and Lorne
A late Father’s Day message from Grandpa Stanley
Grandpa Stan
What is your favorite Lorne call involving Dan? (Marked NSFW
Saturday night TCAP horror featuring our Lorne and Savior. This
TCAP’ers, do you know what day it is? According to our Lorne
Joshua Colon sent this video of him beating his meat to a girl