Don't bother moving. It's meant for you.
Poor guy was just tryna get some sleep
Fuck this driver in particular (found on r/oddlyterrifying)
Final destination stuff
Dude, what did I do?
Quitting your construction job for an IHOP...
fuck that dog
Got done, twice
Nailed it.
motorcyclist minding his own business
Payment for playing wth a shark? 1 pinky finger 😳 ~S~ Caution
360 triple backflip no-scope
Truck: I’m gonna try my best to fuck you up bad today.
Even the keyboard hates Barry. (Wanted 2008)
My man was just trying to stop two dogs from fighting
Go fuck yourself
Fuck the motorcyclist
Stupid car
No good deed goes unpunished…
Deer dust NSFW
Really truly, fuck him
I had just gotten clean sheets the night before too…
Lil Jonny gets jacked the fuck up!
NOM NOM NOM. (The guy was OK, SFW)
Why are you waiting?
Death wish comes true
Plain clothes HK police officer plays "the floor is lava"
It was almost a really clean crash
Fuck this goose
what the hell
Capitólio - Brazil
Fuck that guy with a wheel missile
fuck you Billy
Seal Clifton Beach South Africa
Old man hit by public transport
Man Killed By Tire
Fuck off duck
Master Oogway!
.....and your car is shit too
Guns that Fuck You - Episode 2
When u have the shittiest day at work
Good shot Kevin
Fuck this cow
This psychopathic police officer in Chile running a civilian
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