FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #18554017 Zap zap!

Zap zap!

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #22946158 tire exploded or something

tire exploded or something

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #13786414 don't bother the bug..

don't bother the bug..

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #38380003 Standing on a beach during a thunderstorm is a bad idea.

Standing on a beach during a thunderstorm is a bad idea.

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #13612049 Just fuck you!

Just fuck you!

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #11205586 Fuck this tanker in particular

Fuck this tanker in particular

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #20343849 fuck you injured guy

fuck you injured guy

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #11714174 biker got wiped out by falling rock

biker got wiped out by falling rock

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #15497926 Death Ride

Death Ride

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #10410868 Lightning strikes cow

Lightning strikes cow

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #39733506 A fowl-tempered crow

A fowl-tempered crow

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #40010748 Woman gets struck by lightning, does not survive.

Woman gets struck by lightning, does not survive.

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #27272483 A bad luck day...

A bad luck day...



FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #21673443 Strike!!!


FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #9455117 Interesting birthday present

Interesting birthday present

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #16949157 Be gone

Be gone

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #22784846 You’re just riding with your buddy when…

You’re just riding with your buddy when…

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #21279391 Fuck this car in particular

Fuck this car in particular

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #11375260 Truck says fuck you

Truck says fuck you

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #20885011 Fuck you, I’m a moose motherfucker

Fuck you, I’m a moose motherfucker

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #756322 Fuck this bird in particular

Fuck this bird in particular

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #17354051 Fuck this motorcyclist in particular

Fuck this motorcyclist in particular

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #19333522 The way that firework turned it's path mid air...

The way that firework turned it's path mid air...

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #6780281 Many were guilty; One was fucked

Many were guilty; One was fucked

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #20208973 fuck you for asking to speak slower!

fuck you for asking to speak slower!

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #21457488 Everyone remembers that first rock chip or scuff mark in your

Everyone remembers that first rock chip or scuff mark in your

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #21561470 When your LPG tank install technician is a hack.

When your LPG tank install technician is a hack.

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #10746895 Fck this entire Robin family in particular.

Fck this entire Robin family in particular.

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #18696515 when the odds are all against you

when the odds are all against you

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #2056839 Van dislikes NPC chillin on the sidewalk (NPC survives)

Van dislikes NPC chillin on the sidewalk (NPC survives)

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #24229573 The tire hates you

The tire hates you

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #27792236 Let me lay-down and chill on the street out of all places

Let me lay-down and chill on the street out of all places

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #24148048 Everybody hates cyclists

Everybody hates cyclists

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #19165321 This deer obviously hated my car.

This deer obviously hated my car.

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #25631602 Beware of... The Killer Cranes!!!

Beware of... The Killer Cranes!!!

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #24525995 You are never safe.

You are never safe.

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #15483548 Fuck this worker

Fuck this worker

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #39332914 Fuck your car!

Fuck your car!

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #16513464 Flamethrower


FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #20598147 Fuck you green shirt guy - Truck driver

Fuck you green shirt guy - Truck driver

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #17174679 The referee

The referee



FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #21242406 God hates scooters.

God hates scooters.

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #39769909 The end is brutal

The end is brutal

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #17997587 Rockstar


FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #21106565 You can run...

You can run...

FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR vid #16270426 Collateral damage.

Collateral damage.