Palestinian resistance fighter single handedly destroys an israeli
Nazi scum getting manhandled like a hoe by a Wagner Chad. Zaporozhye,
Israeli tanks are getting destroyed left and right by the palestinian
The IDF is still getting its daily lesson in why the 'Finding
The most dangerous army is one made entirely of Martyrs... as
Your. Tax. Dollars. At. Work... [DO NOT WATCH IF YOU WANT TO
[January 29, 1946--'Maidan Square', Kiev]-- While the fledgling
Ukraine's NATO-trained, and equipped 'Offensive' in a video Nutshell...
IDF soldiers jump and beat up a turkish journalist on the streets
Surrender, and live you fools! -- A trench full of the dead and
Dear NATO: Thanks for the free Bradleys and Leopards--And for
The last remnants of ruined Mari'inka's Nazi Garrison... Suiting
''Surrender, and Live!'' -- These men refused to surrender, so
My feelings when looking at the housing market right now
I turned yesterday's new peak in World War Media into a 13-minute,
[THIS is what a trained army looks like]-- Here is the Drone
We lost a Real One this week, BTW, gang... Someone who was with
Reddit's a wild, dangerous-azzed place when America is maximizing
It happened again, comrades... marking the end of a time-honoured
''That's right, you run!...Run and tell Zelensky I'm coming!...
The Ukrainian Army is suffering steep losses in the field every
The Country Roads of Ukraine this Spring, are literally paved
Russian Special Forces Sniper Pair Pops careless Nazis 2 at a
Last night's ''Catch of the Day'' in Belgorod -- Fresh dead Terrorists
Meanwhile, over in Gaza: 'Look at me!... I the RESISTANCE,
''Through voices hushed, their stories told...Rest well these
A Martyr's work is never done... Day in, day out.... Gaza RESISTS!
The trenches and Fields are sown with the UA dead... [salvaged
Remember when USA lost multiple, concurrent wars to these guys?
For the love of all things holy, please [UA troops] Surrender...
'Surrender, and live!' -- [The VDV does not ultimately enjoy
''Second ['Main Thrust' of the counter-oink], same as the first!''
'Surrender, and Live!' -- [The 'rescue radio' frequency, 149.200,
Ladies and gentlemen, this is NOT a Test -- This. Is. JIHAAAAAD!!!
'Ladies and Gentlemen, this is NOT a test... THIS is Jiiiiihaaaaaad!!!'
Meanwhile, over in Gaza: ''Look at me!... I the Resistance,