Was watching Degrassi Goes Hollywood with a friend who had never
Do you know how trifling you have to be for your own sidekick
Craig is Killed By Train
And they say romance is dead 👀
Craig is a dirty boy.
Zigs onions are burning🧅🔥
Who Knew Liberty was So Funny? [S07E13]
Both these parts just crack me up. From Moe and Jake’s faces,
Ellie’s face here will never not make me laugh out loud.
Cassie Steele
I made a new video and tried to include more scenes and different
Made this sad Degrassi video. I'm gonna show this to people to
Zig has small peen confirmed
Eli finds weird pictures in Claire’s journal and cheats with
Purple Dragon Booty
When Wesley met Sally
Anya’s night at the Club🌃
My reaction to later Degrassi seasons
Jordy Todosey