EMERGENCY! I’ve called every vet within 3 hours of me and no
She spurned his advances so he went off by himself. Never witnessed
Fig is just over a year and a half , And is TINY . Does anyone
Is my nieces gecko dead?
It's Oogi's birthday and I got a camera for his tank. I already
I cleaned his cut and now it’s more small, is it a real cut?
Here’s a video of my crestie eating a dubia!
Gecko bit me ;_;
Help! Is this normal?
Worst day ever
Uhh… what’s this and why is it wet??
Does this look normal to you guys?
NSFW: Pixel is a man now. Caught him in the act. There’s no
Extreme jump ! (Intense beware)
Euthanize or keep trying? Story in comments
It's moving! In my Cresties poop!?
Is his poop normal? It's like little balls
My attempt of trying to make Pangea gecko diet a horror film.