videos / BackYardChickens

BackYardChickens vid #12274465 Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were in there....

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were in there....

BackYardChickens vid #22168914 Update on parking lot chicken!

Update on parking lot chicken!

BackYardChickens vid #22452135 Lucky the parking lot chicken: Scab comes off!

Lucky the parking lot chicken: Scab comes off!

BackYardChickens vid #23269257 WHAT DID I JUST WITNESS (slightly brutal)

WHAT DID I JUST WITNESS (slightly brutal)

BackYardChickens vid #23528712 Trying to vent sex the new poultry that arrived.

Trying to vent sex the new poultry that arrived.

BackYardChickens vid #20592064 I captured a video of the egg actually being laid; it's a little

I captured a video of the egg actually being laid; it's a little

BackYardChickens vid #17482087 Goldie catches, kills, and eats a giant centipede. NSFW in case

Goldie catches, kills, and eats a giant centipede. NSFW in case

BackYardChickens vid #37989948 Peanut Butter the mouser

Peanut Butter the mouser

BackYardChickens vid #38167060 Newer chicken attacked by older chicken I’m worried she’s

Newer chicken attacked by older chicken I’m worried she’s

BackYardChickens vid #8154099 Shaving your cock in the morning...

Shaving your cock in the morning...

BackYardChickens vid #6697101 A baby bird fell into my pit of dinosaurs.

A baby bird fell into my pit of dinosaurs.

BackYardChickens vid #13280012 (Distressing) Help me understand why my healthy hen suddenly

(Distressing) Help me understand why my healthy hen suddenly

BackYardChickens vid #16157948 girl got attacked is now snoring why and how do i help her

girl got attacked is now snoring why and how do i help her

BackYardChickens vid #31857214 Raptors show no mercy for Mr. Turtle

Raptors show no mercy for Mr. Turtle

BackYardChickens vid #17294163 Broilers stopped walking or standing, shiver constantly, but

Broilers stopped walking or standing, shiver constantly, but

BackYardChickens vid #14420747 Walked outside one of my girls soaking wet and falling over My

Walked outside one of my girls soaking wet and falling over My

BackYardChickens vid #40647662 Sick chicken, please help

Sick chicken, please help

BackYardChickens vid #6253218 My dinosaurs playing keep away with a mouse 😳

My dinosaurs playing keep away with a mouse 😳

BackYardChickens vid #1404092 Day old chick I hatched having seizures? It’s in the incubator

Day old chick I hatched having seizures? It’s in the incubator

BackYardChickens vid #24605645 Found this Rooster on side of road, what’s wrong with him?

Found this Rooster on side of road, what’s wrong with him?

BackYardChickens vid #11580786 Laying my sweet baby to rest...

Laying my sweet baby to rest...

BackYardChickens vid #12067792 Spying on Chicks Bathing

Spying on Chicks Bathing

BackYardChickens vid #169161 The little dinosaurs attacking salad

The little dinosaurs attacking salad

BackYardChickens vid #10710568 is this pasty butt?

is this pasty butt?

BackYardChickens vid #11656288 1-2 week old chick seizures, what to try before culling? Details

1-2 week old chick seizures, what to try before culling? Details

BackYardChickens vid #17645981 It looks like this baby tried hatching and didn’t make it..

It looks like this baby tried hatching and didn’t make it..

BackYardChickens vid #10851163 the freshest egg...caught in the act

the freshest egg...caught in the act

BackYardChickens vid #21320031 Karen is inside recovering from vent gleet. Still happy as can

Karen is inside recovering from vent gleet. Still happy as can

BackYardChickens vid #24605631 Found this Rooster on side of road, what’s wrong with him?

Found this Rooster on side of road, what’s wrong with him?

BackYardChickens vid #12090346 HELP! what can I do the rooster pull off her skin!

HELP! what can I do the rooster pull off her skin!

BackYardChickens vid #13182339 Missy Feathers is by far the most fearsome predator in the yard

Missy Feathers is by far the most fearsome predator in the yard

BackYardChickens vid #23470770 Missing Feathers Near Vent - is she sick? Mites? Fine?

Missing Feathers Near Vent - is she sick? Mites? Fine?

BackYardChickens vid #21981352 When you need them to get back in the run ASAP 😆

When you need them to get back in the run ASAP 😆

BackYardChickens vid #41194373 Seizing (?) Guinea fowl

Seizing (?) Guinea fowl

BackYardChickens vid #2815747 Worm help! - story in comments

Worm help! - story in comments

BackYardChickens vid #13066431 Verity loooooves boiled egg yolk.

Verity loooooves boiled egg yolk.

BackYardChickens vid #16101851 Warning! Graphic.. this isn’t my chicken. One of my friends

Warning! Graphic.. this isn’t my chicken. One of my friends

BackYardChickens vid #23981228 Vent Gleet or Egg bound please help....

Vent Gleet or Egg bound please help....

BackYardChickens vid #12137975 Is this a worm in my chicks poop !?! 😵‍💫🤢

Is this a worm in my chicks poop !?! 😵‍💫🤢

BackYardChickens vid #22020367 After a chicken commits assault and battery (blood warning, crime

After a chicken commits assault and battery (blood warning, crime

BackYardChickens vid #9951756 Charlie getting some action on Valentine's day.

Charlie getting some action on Valentine's day.

BackYardChickens vid #10888715 chicken poop (nsfw?): are these worms?

chicken poop (nsfw?): are these worms?

BackYardChickens vid #16245104 Limping Chicken. Already been to vet. Description in thread.

Limping Chicken. Already been to vet. Description in thread.

BackYardChickens vid #25841584 Seafood buffet.

Seafood buffet.

BackYardChickens vid #28516426 RIP


BackYardChickens vid #29712793 Hawk or owl attack? Video footage at night. I think owl bc of

Hawk or owl attack? Video footage at night. I think owl bc of

BackYardChickens vid #29713883 Hawk or owl attack? Video footage at night. I think owl bc of

Hawk or owl attack? Video footage at night. I think owl bc of

BackYardChickens vid #32823238 Chickies = N+1.

Chickies = N+1.