videos / ADVChina

ADVChina vid #9278417 So this happened yesterday in China.

So this happened yesterday in China.

ADVChina vid #15446123 A woman in China gets ran over not only once but twice and no

A woman in China gets ran over not only once but twice and no

ADVChina vid #11452660 Trust the CCP they say

Trust the CCP they say

ADVChina vid #21117750 Student arrested in the White Paper Movement killed in prison

Student arrested in the White Paper Movement killed in prison

ADVChina vid #18468361 Seeing is believing...

Seeing is believing...

ADVChina vid #12235187 Epidemic prevention staff/Volunteer v.s Police. Maybe unemployed,

Epidemic prevention staff/Volunteer v.s Police. Maybe unemployed,

ADVChina vid #15528349 Chinese woman remove her clothes and says the whole world belongs

Chinese woman remove her clothes and says the whole world belongs

ADVChina vid #25256222 Up up and away

Up up and away

ADVChina vid #13054599 Three women just got brutally assaulted by a couple of drunk

Three women just got brutally assaulted by a couple of drunk

ADVChina vid #24298736 Is it me or it's the most unsanitary thing ever

Is it me or it's the most unsanitary thing ever

ADVChina vid #20829775 I found the origins!

I found the origins!

ADVChina vid #11309662 Guys I feel very fking super strongly not good towards Chinese

Guys I feel very fking super strongly not good towards Chinese

ADVChina vid #18304602 🤣 Good job, Eeyore!

🤣 Good job, Eeyore!

ADVChina vid #19287655 Police brutality in China

Police brutality in China

ADVChina vid #18683835 Is this a common martial art in China?

Is this a common martial art in China?

ADVChina vid #17231356 subtitles


ADVChina vid #10754015 China Eastern MU5735 in its final seconds

China Eastern MU5735 in its final seconds

ADVChina vid #14811180 我操😧


ADVChina vid #16806503 a rare Good Samaritan scenario, but he appears to be dead

a rare Good Samaritan scenario, but he appears to be dead

ADVChina vid #17906043 sjexy time

sjexy time

ADVChina vid #12594573 Chinese Road Safety; a narrow road with a motorbike overtaking

Chinese Road Safety; a narrow road with a motorbike overtaking

ADVChina vid #7157300 Please enjoy our first response in this new, global rap battle.

Please enjoy our first response in this new, global rap battle.

ADVChina vid #15743962 If pinks get COVID, CCP will bury them alive too.

If pinks get COVID, CCP will bury them alive too.

ADVChina vid #24447059 Crossing the Red Line; A Friendship Without Limits

Crossing the Red Line; A Friendship Without Limits

ADVChina vid #5679261 Credit to: Magmashice

Credit to: Magmashice

ADVChina vid #6056353 hurd yall like memes and stuff

hurd yall like memes and stuff

ADVChina vid #33895320 [NSFW Audio] Men of Culture Got Business in China! 🧐🍺

[NSFW Audio] Men of Culture Got Business in China! 🧐🍺