Ex-military USA Army KO
Steal my shit and I'll kill you
Try to steal from the wrong person
Definitely not the first time
Brazilian referee
Drunk Russians playing with a taser
1 vs 3
Don't fuck with Karate Hector
Ready to die fo that KFC
She fucked him up
They fuck around with the wrong homeless man
Look here, I'll show you a trick
Always ready
Go Fast
Wtf did they think? It's a truck
Practice makes perfect!
Coca shot
Slap contest in prison
Fast as f boi
Fighting with 0 damage
They are his now
He's Fucked
Ready for war
Drunken Master
Walking dead
Walgreens looting in San Francisco turns into banana fight with
The look says it all
Slap for weed
When you know your fucked
Narco party
Bulletproof GMC
Meanwhile in Africa
My G from UK Prison
At work
Stop Snitching
Brick by Brick
K.O. High on something
Make yourself comfortable
3 pigs 1 gangster
Arten Bonov, Ukraine Police Chief
El ray de la muerte
Jamaican brother in UK Prison
Never trust a crackhead
Always be prepared
Money or the watch?